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This book will involve spoilers to Dr. Stone (anime and manga) so please proceed with caution. This will also include a reader with she/her pronouns, I sincerely apologize if that inconveniences anyone. (I only know the world of female figure skating, not men's, it would be difficult for me since even though the same occupation both are seen very differently.) A bit of a side note, this book involves a former Olympian level figure skating reader and I wanted to point out I'm in no means an expert in figure skating and the terminology. I did a lot of research, but there's only so much I can attain without participating. Please keep that in mind as you read. Despite this, please enjoy!



Spinning. Out of breath and out of your mind. The area was cold, the air paper thin and nipping at your exposed face as you continued on. There was an eerie silence of it all, but the bright lights masked all worry you could have held. The silence you once found brought anxiety, terrifying, all came to a head. It was freeing. No critics, no judges, not a single soul to account your doings. Alone at last, to do whatever you pleased; and you did just that. 

Spinning. Unforgiving and nausea inducing. Clearing your head was no longer an option, so you stopped. The sound of metal scraping against ice met your ears when you did, the ice now disturbed and formed small piles around you. Your eyes flickered around you, circle after circle, line after line. The indentions the metal made where prominent in the ice now; the once undisturbed and beautiful rink now tainted with harsh lines and dents. 

Your breath was seen in the space around you in small clouds, uneven and nearly gasping for air. Your feet and and legs ached, wanting nothing more than to sit down. Your mind told you to persist, but your body would soon reach it's limit. Rather than making your way back to the bench, you simply sat down on the ice underneath you. Sitting down was rather ungraceful in these conditions, skates were made to glide so slipping was much easier. Your bottom colliding harshly with the ground, you left out a groan. 

Thankful for the long, comfortable, pants you wore rather than the usual practice attire. You wouldn't stay for long, already feeling the cold underneath crawling up and making you shiver. However, despite the thought, you stretched out your legs, knees and ankles popping and cracking at the movement. Your body had taken a brutal workout and your head still spun. With a small sigh, you closed your eyes, "I need to get away from all this. . ." you spoke to yourself. "I can't just retire though," you quipped, "if I quit now some role model I am." 

With a small surge in energy, you found yourself carefully getting up; one wrong move you would land face first on solid ice. Skates now parallel to the ground, you began to make your way over to the small bench tucked away behind a small door in the wall. However, your movements were cut short by a mysterious light catching your eye. A large ray of green engulfed the room and your eyes widened, but too paralyzed in fear and confusion to move. It passed you within seconds and rendered you utterly motionless. Your arm now permanently stuck in the position outward you had to reach the wall, eyes wide, and a surprised expression etched in stone. 


Your mind was foggy, a dream like state you kept yourself in for thousands of years after succumbing to petrification. Seconds after it happened, your mind raced, trying to find any possible solution or answer the question of 'how did this happen?' The thought hadn't crossed your mind in ages it seemed, you had undoubtedly given up and lost all hope only a year after the incident occurred. 

However, just this once you felt different. Your mind was clear, your thoughts now running wild after many thousands of years had passed. The feeling of cracking was sickly but exhilarating, feeling the small cracks become bigger and bigger made your heart thump loudly. The sensation started at your head and moved slowly downward, the stone that once covered you now crumbling away and falling beside you. Pieces fell from your eyes and you were met with a breathtaking, but unfamiliar view. Blinking away small fragments left behind, your eyes adjusted to the sun that was now setting behind the hills in front of you. 

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