Chapter| 1 - Hana

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Chapter| 1


Rivulets of water coalesced into heavy drops that plummeted from my face. Wiping the droplets from my eyes I gaze at the empty glass held in mid air by a jewel clad hand.

"Did you not hear me? I said to break up with my son immediately!" The woman screams at me garnering the attention of everyone else in the quaint coffee shop, that wasn't already piercing me with their gaze.

Fighting back the urge to collapse in on myself I face my opponent with what I hope is a calm expression. "Pardon me mam, but your son and I would have to be in a relationship in order for me to break up with him. We are not dating."

"Ha," she scoffs and sits back in her chair. "Now you're lying to me? The audacity of this girl!"

"I'm not lying! We really are just friends. I..."

She cuts me off with a wave of her hand. "How long are you going to keep this lie up? Regardless, I don't ever want to see you near my son again. He's meant for great things, and I do not want an uncultured girl holding him back."

A sudden flare of anger extinguishes any unease I had been feeling. If my gran hadn't taught me better I'd be lashing out at this rude and eccentric lady. Take a calming breath, I slowly ease forward in my seat. "Excuse me mam, but it is true that we are not dating. And to be honest I find your attitude towards me quite rude, and childish. You know nothing about me, and yet have such harsh preconceived ideas about me. I like Jace as a friend, and as his friend, I can't help but mention that if you want to keep a good relationship with your son you shouldn't be so forceful on him. Otherwise you won't be someone he can turn to when he needs help."

Sitting back my shoulders sag in relief. The lady sits there speechless. Taking this as my opportunity I quickly stand. "I can't say thank you, but I understand that you are a concerned mother." Giving a slight bow to her I continue to speak. "Your son is a kind person, please give him your love and support, and perhaps take some time to listen to his needs. Well then, I will take my leave."

Turning on my heel I rush out the cafe door. The bells jingle loudly, but I barely hear them through my jumbled thoughts. Carefully dancing around the crowds of vacationers, I head out of the small downtown towards my home.

Never have I met such an aggressive and beautiful woman before. And I hope I never meet her again. It doesn't take too long before I'm rounding the corner to my street.

Screech. A fancy black stops right in front of me. I move to go around when the window rolls down. "Miss James?"

"Yes," I say as I ease backwards. I glance around for potential help, but the streets are as quiet as usual.

"Please get in. Mr. Young would like to have a word with you." The suited man gestures to the back seat, where the windows are so tinted, I can't even see into the car.

"Umm," I bite my lip, "I am not allowed to get into a stranger's car."

The driver looks back and mumbles to someone who must be in the back seat. "Mr. Young would like to have this conversation in private. So if you would make a concession this once?" The man gestures to the backseat once more.

Shaking my head stubbornly, I hold my ground. "There isn't anyone around. If he really wants to speak with me. He can do so from here."

The back window rolls down. Exasperation doesn't take away from the older man's handsome features. "Do you know who you're speaking to?"

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