《Horror Movie》

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Prompt: Dream convinced George to watch a horror movie with him. He agreed, but he couldn't sleep that night. So Dream comforts him with a cuddle.

No one's POV

Today was a chill day.

They woke up early this morning with George clinging onto Dream's arm.

They had breakfast, watched netflix for a bit, had lunch, they even streamed together and relaxed on the couch a bit after.

Dream was scrolling through netflix again while George rested on his shoulder, looking at screen with the selection of movies.

"Hey George?"


"Wanna watch a horror movie?" Dream smirked

Dream knew that George doesn't like horror movies, it always gave him nightmares.

"No" he paused "you know i don't like watching them"

"Oh come on George pleaseee?" Dream whined "just one movie, it won't even scare you i promiseee"

"The answer is still no"

"How about 2 movies?"

"No! That's even worse" George stood up and walked away

Dream decided to tease him.

"What? Are you a chicken?" Dream stated

George stopped walking and turned around to Dream.

"No i'm not!"

"Prove it then George" Dream grinned

George somehow wanted to prove Dream that he was brave enough to watch horror movies but he also doesn't want to do it because he'll have difficulty sleeping later.

"Fine then" George sat back down next to Dream

"Ok, you get some popcorn ready and i'll look for some movies"


George stood up again and went to the kitchen to get some popcorn. What he didn't know was that Dream looked through some of the scariest movies netflix has.

He chose 2. The Conjuring and The Exorcist.

Dream already watched those before so he already knew what's about to happen when George watch those for the first time.

"I got the popcorn ready!" George yelled from the kitchen

"Perfect" Dream whispered

George was holding a bowl of popcorn and sat down next to Dream.

Dream turned of all of the lights before he played the first movie, the conjuring.


They were now in the middle of the movie.

Dream laughed every once in a while at how scared George was in every jumpscare.

George was wrapped in blankets that he got earlier and he was covering his eyes most of the time they were watching the movie while clinging onto him like his life depended on it.

There will be another jumpscare coming and George didn't know that. So, when the jumpscare was about to be shown, Dream held the boy's body and shook him, making George startled and fell to the floor.

"Dream! It's not funny!"

Dream paused the movie and wheezed.

"You were so scared George!"

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