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Prompt: Dream and George got into a silly argument. George decided not to talk to Dream and chose to ignore him. So Dream did a few things to get George to talk to him again.

No one's POV

"It's always you and them!" George yelled "why not include me?!"

"You are always included in plans George! But were just hanging out as friends!" Dream yelled back

They were arguing about how George was not included to any plans when it comes to Dream hanging out with some of their friends.

"It's just our friends Dream! It's not like they're hiding something from me!"

"They don't!"

"I...you know what just forget about this"

George rushed upstairs and slammed their bedroom door.

Dream sighed and sat on one of the stools in the kitchen.

Then he decided to do some things that'll make George talk to him.

The first thing he did was open the refrigerator and tighten up all the bottles and jars, even his favorite strawberry jam.

Then he quietly walked upstairs, into the bathroom and carefully removed the lightbulbs but not completely to make him think that the lights won't turn on. He also did the same with the bathroom downstairs.

And finally, he changed their wifi password and removed George's username from using it.

Now, he waits.

He scrolled through Instagram and Twitter for 20 minutes before George came downstairs, refused to talk to him.

He went to the kitchen and brough out a small pepsi bottle from the refrigerator, probably thirsty for a fizzy drink right now.

George twisted the bottle cap, expecting it to open but it didn't. He twisted it again, with much force this time.

George struggled for a few minutes but it still didn't open.

He didn't want to ask Dream for help so he grabbed a different drink, and tried to open it but failed.

He once again tried it with the rest of the bottles but it still didn't open.

George groaned in frustration before he grabbed the first pepsi he held before and walked over to Dream in the living room.

George pushed the cold pepsi bottle to Dream's shoulder and Dream was acting like he doesn't know what the hell he's doing.

"What do you want Georgie?" Dream asked

George kept quiet and continued pushing the bottle at him.

"What do you want me to do with that baby?"

George slowly sighed.

"Open it" he quietly said

"Hmm?" Dream hummed "i didn't quite catched that, honey"

"Open the bottle, Dream"

Dream took the bottle from him and flexed his muscles before he opened it quickly.

George quickly took the bottle from him and rolled his eyes before taking a few sips.

"Not even a 'thank you?' Or 'thanks Dweam?" Dream asked in baby voice

George just walked back into the kitchen.


George probably drank a lot of pepsi in that small bottle because he now has to go to the bathroom.

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