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Prompt: George was taken by one of Dream's haters.

TW: kidnapping, angst, abuse, swearing

No one's POV

Dream and George were cuddling in bed, refused to get up even though it's past 2 in the afternoon.

George said that it will only be a short nap but it turned into a long sleeping session.

Dream tried to sit up earlier but was pulled down by George clinging onto him.

And now, Dream finally had the energy to try and sit up again and it was success.

George however didn't like this.

"Dream" he rubbed his eyes and yawned "stayyyy"

"Look at the time George, it's late" Dream stood up from the bed and stretched his arms "come on, get up"

"Nooooooo" George whined

Dream pulled one of his arms that also caused George to almost fall of the bed.

"Okayyyy, i'll get upp" George sat up while Dream got changed in sweatpants and a random hoodie

"I'll see you downstairs, love you!" Dream went out of their room

"Love you too!" George said back

George got changed in one of Dream's hoodies.

He walked downstairs to hear Dream groaning.

"What's wrong?"

"We're out of food" Dream closed the fridge "Patches was lucky that we still have enough cat food when i fed her 5 minutes ago"

Dream pointed at the cat, close to George, who was silently eating in her food bowl.

"Why don't i go?" George petted the cat beside him

"No George, i'll just go"

"Dream, you're always the one going out to go get groceries. Let me do it for once"

George convinced Dream for a few minutes, he even promised him to give him cuddles when he gets back. Then he finally agreed.



George got changed, again, this time in the same hoodie that he was wearing and jeans.


"Make sure to call me if you need anything" Dream hugged George

"I know" George broke the hug

"Be safe!"

"I will"

"Actually, you know what, i'll just come with you"

"Dream! I'll be fine, okay?"

Dream has been overprotective of George for the whole time, he wasn't even out of the house. (Make way! We have overprotective Dream over here!)

"Okay..." George walked outside

"Love you!" Dream called

"Love you too!" George called back

George didn't need a car since the store was only 10 minutes away so he just walked on the way there.


George walked through aisles to grab whatever Dream and him needed.

Then he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Excuse me, are you Georgenotfound?"

George turned around and saw a man, taller than him.

He's maybe around 6 feet, he was wearing a black shirt with jeans and white sneakers.

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