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Guys i am Ajay working as a software engineer and i was married recently.i was married to a girl who worked in BPO center her name reema.our marriage is arranged marriage.i was always tensed and not sure how the marriage will work.i always had a doubt in arranged marriage.but after marriage my doubts vanished just like that.i thoroughly enjoyed my marriage life we have been married just 3 months before.she was quiet understanding girl and always obey my words.i asked here to quit her job because she may feel difficult to manage both house and office.she is very sweet i always admired her behaviour.but she always does some childish behavior.

Reema's POV

Ajay is just amazing husband.i always loved the way of carring me.whenever i do some silly activity he used to say in a polite way.whenever i do mistakes he just forgives so easily after wedding we both came to city from our native town. but some times it's little boring to be alone in the house.every Sunday he used to take me is Wednesday he was on leave because of his sister's family coming to meet us.

The door bell rang i hurried to open the door.but he went before me and opened the door.his sister his brother in law and his niece were standing at the door steps.i welcomed them and his niece athu was constantly calling my name and she got stick to me.i was totally enjoying her company.i and my sister in law prepared the lunch and we had a great time in the lunch.i sat along with them and chatting till 4 pm athu called me continuously called me to play with her.

I was ready to go but Ajay gave me i sat there but she didn't leave i looked at Ajay for permission he did a nod hesitantly. I and athu went to
Terrace along with her and playing.ajay always asked me not to go to the corner of the terrace because some iron scraps were there.while playing with her without knowing i went to the scrap and i placed my leg in the rusted iron rod within a second the rod pierced my foot and blood was flowing eyes were full of tears i couldn't say anything i looked at athu after seeing me in tears. she just ran away from the place.

Ajay's POV
I could hear the steps of athu near the door.she came inside silently.i asked about reema.she was terrified and didn't open the i ran to the terrace and saw Reema holding her leg and crying.she couldn't remove the rod and blood was dropping in the floor. I went near her and slowly removed the rod she clutched my shoulder heavily and sister saw this and started scolding her daughter.reema couldn't walk so i carried her to the hall

And made her lie on the sofa and cleaned the wound.she was crying while i was cleaning the wound.

To be continued

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