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Jack Bender is an undercover F.B.I. Agent in Baghdad, Iraq. When he receives new orders to spy on an elderly martial arts teacher, he thinks his job will be a breeze. Upon enrolling in the martial arts school, Bender meets a young woman known only as Nadia. As time passes, the two grow close, and he begins to accept her Eastern ideologies. When the master martial artist's teachings make too much sense to deny, Jack finds himself questioning whether or not he's on the right side of this battle. Note: Keep in mind that this a memory play, and Jack will sometimes be in the present, reminiscing about the past, and other times we will see his memories played out.


Jack Bender: An undercover F.B.I. Agent. Initially he is cold and unfeeling, but he softens as the play progresses.

Nadia: A young Iraqi woman. A student of Master Kazim, and also his daughter. She is charismatic, kind, and spiritual.

Master Kazim: An elderly Iraqi martial arts teacher. He is extremely wise, experienced, and possesses the general air of a knowledgeable man. He is also very spiritual and philosophical.

Aisha: A young Iraqi woman who works at the front desk of 'Aether Martial Arts Academy'. She is kind, dutiful, and presentable.

Commander Ross: Jack's commanding officer. His voice is heard over the recorder. Stereotypical military commander.

Curtains open. A dim light shines upon a single man standing C stage.

He wears Iraqi elder garb, and despite his American looks, he bears an Eastern air. He appears contemplative, as if recalling many deep memories.


(He speaks in a rough, worn American accent. He speaks directly to the audience.)

Do you know what it's like to be unmade? To hold on to a specific version of yourself your whole life, only to realize that... that's not who you are at all?


I know what it's like to be unmade. I know what's it like to feel my entire persona slipping out of my body and into oblivion. I know what's it like to see my entire life flash before my eyes, and only then did I realize that everything I'd ever done, everything I'd worked so hard to achieve... was futile.

(Beat. His tone changes to that of remorse. He whispers to himself.)

It was all so futile.

Blackout. Lights up. We are now in Jack's small living hut in the ghetto of Baghdad. He now wears banged up street clothing. Jack sits in a chair on SL reading a book. A telephone begins to ring (located far SL behind Jack's chair). Jack stands, stretches, and answers the call.



Micheal Miller's carpeting service, how may I help you?

(His eyes widen, expression and voice changing to a tone of seriousness)

Sir, is this a secure line?

(He listens to the man on the phone for a moment)

Yes, sir. I understand.

(He hangs up and places the phone back on the wall. He speed-walks to SR, grabbing a stash of tactical gear from underneath a loose plank in the floor. He exits SR with the gear.)

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