Chapter 22

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After my torturous trek to the stadium which really only takes about twenty minutes I pull out my phone sending Conner a quick 'I'm here' text.

We've made plans to go to the library after his practice. I've got an essay to write and he needs a computer and printer for his poster in marketing class. which he still needed to add details to. Plus coffee. They have such good coffee in their cafe.

His practice ends at 6pm and it's now 6:15. I gave him 15 minutes to shower and have his pep talks before I started to walk because I knew he wasn't going to actually be right out.

"Yo fatty what are you doing here?" I groan shoving my phone into my pocket before turning to meet my harasser.

"I'm waiting for someone Cash. Which I'm assuming you're doing as well" I tell him. Since it is quite a normal thing.

"You're waiting for someone? What did you become a slut now too?" He chuckles making my face go red. Considering I just gave my virginity away a few days ago. A mixture of anger and embarrassment spans over my face as I angrily move closer, getting in his face.

"No- we're dating you asshat!" I shout a little louder than I meant to and quickly step back shrinking in on myself due to my own shame. Thankfully nobody else is around or seems to care. I do seem to get a crazed look from Cash until he blinks it off of his face.

"Oh are you getting pissy now? What happen? Did I hit a sensitive spot? You seem to have a lot of those. Lazy oaf." He reaches forward and pinches my cheek. I try to smack him away, but he just slaps my arm with a laugh.

His laugh is followed by another from somebody else, so I turn to look, but my question is answered when I hear them call for me as well.

"Aye Cash why are you hanging out with fatty?" Royce shouts his shaggier hair wet and sticking to his face.

I feel like I have been punched in the gut as the three yell names back and forth. Fatty. Fatty. Fatso. Just having a normal conversation besides I'm the topic and they're wondering when I'll break. Why am I so gross? My hearts stops completely when I see Conner having walked out right behind them. I watch as his smile drops from his dark face.

"Says he's waiting for someone isn't that funny?" Cash shouts. I can't read any sort of expression on Conner's face besides confusion. I panic not sure where this is going to lead and run, run back towards our building. It's a long walk, but I need to save my money and I need the exercise. I hate the way my thighs rub together when I run and it quickly grows uncomfortable, but I can't stop now.

"Yeah fatty run! Run ya big-" Jerron's shout is cut short and is followed by cursing and soon more yelling. I feeeze and turn around to see Conner now standing above Cash who is is rolling on the ground. Royce puts his hands up and quickly attempts to ramble some sort of apology, but he's unsure why they've made the star player upset.

Conner doesn't care as he storms over taking Royce by the shoulders and pushing him to the ground. Jerron is next taking a punch to the face. Instead of fighting he lets himself fall to his ass in an attempt at surrendering which doesn't really do much as he spits out nasty words and gives each of them a kick to the ribs, not caring that they're on the ground. His other teammates run over but are unsure of what to do and of what they missed.

Finally some of his friends pull him away from the the freshman as I knock myself out of my trance and run back over. Conner doesn't stop trying to fight out of their grip, so I step in front putting my hands on his chest. Some warn me and others ask me what the fuck I'm doing. Only a few know we're dating so it is understandable.

"Conner it's okay, it's okay" I tell him and he visibly relaxes which shows his friends that they can let go. He doesn't waste a second before jumping forward to wrap his arms around me. A loud 'fuck!' is shouted since they assume I'm going to get jumped, but they relax when they realize it's just a hug.

"If you ever say that type of shit about my boyfriend ever again! Even think it! I will fucking kill you!" He walks over and spits on Cash, who had now been pulled to his feet as well as the other two.

"I don't expect you to say shit to coach. If coach does happen to find out what happened. I won't hesitate to tell them about all your harassing and assault. You bet your sorry asses I'm not afraid to spread the nastiest rumors about you three. I will ruin your lives while you're here. I'll fuck you up" he threatens before returning to me. His arm wraps around my waist and he immediately takes me away.

There's a loud slap and I turn back to see the others guy now getting at the three freshman. Yelling and shouting about how you don't make the star player upset because it fucks up the next game.

I feel ashamed. They all knew I was being harassed by those three because I'm fucking fat. We were practically speed walking through the parking lot when it hit me. He told them all that I am his boyfriend.

When we stop at his jeep he drops his head on the wrangler before suddenly standing up again in front of me. His stance making him seem ginormous compared to me as he looks down at me. He looks angry. He looks really fucking angry.

"Why didn't you tell me." His voice which I expected to be loud and just as angry as his expression was quite the opposite. Soft and confused. Sad maybe?

"I assumed since you stopped telling me about what they were doing, they had stopped!?" His voice does raise this time and my shoulders fall. With his head down I watch as he paces back and forth.

"Callum! Why didn't you say anything!?" He suddenly stops and I immediately look up at him scared. Was this it? What if he dumps me now? I'm too much.

"I'm sorry I uh- I don't know. I didn't know whether it was actually important or if I was just being sensitive. I just-" I give up and go silent as he opens the jeep door. Conner still helps me in and buckles me as usual, but I don't try to speak again and just watch as he jogs to his side and that's when the overwhelming feeling to cry starts. He hops into the jeep and slams his door shut a little too loud and I lose it. The tears falling down my face involuntary.

I try really hard to be quiet and quickly wipe the giant tears that wet my cheeks, but of course he notices. Right away Conner drops his keys back into the cup holder.

"Callum" his vocie is soft again as he reaches overs brushing a hand through my hair, but it doesn't matter I lose it.

"I'm sorry. I'm trying- I'm trying to be better and look better I think if I just keep working on it- it'll work. I'll look good enough for you" I sob into my hands.

"Fuck baby. Cally look at me. You should know that I think you're other worldly. Don't change anything about you. Don't starve yourself or whatever you're doing. I don't want you hurting because goddamn it I love your body. I want to be able to worship every inch of it." I stare at him the tears still falling as he throws his hands around really trying to get the point across.

"You don't know how many times I just want to take pictures of you. I'd just stare at them all the time. I am in such awe that a person like you really exists. It hurts my brain trying to comprehend your beauty..." he trails off with a choked up laugh as if he really doesn't understand. His eyes lock with mine again and I quickly wipe my tears.

"Callum I fucking love you. I love you. I love how you look. I love your body. You're mine. I want to protect and take care of what's mine. So I'm upset that that has been happening when I could have stopped it". His gaze drops after the words had been said. I had fallen too quickly. I knew it but nobody has ever shown me this sort of attention.

"I need you to tell me when these things happen. So I can take care of them. If I would have known it was those three I would have beat their asses day one" he reaches over cupping my face.

I really tried to stop them, but my tears seemed to only get worse as he whispered words that I don't think I've ever heard in my life. Words that I begged to hear and now that I'm hearing them I'm an emotional wreck.

"I love you too Conner. I'll tell you from now on." I unbuckle and throw myself across the console ignoring the gear stick in my side as I hug my boyfriend who squeezes me back, his lips pressed firmly to the side of my head.

"I'll let everyone know not to mess with my boyfriend"

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