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They were all Nurses, all four of them, they were nurses from the late 1950's up until about 1994, where they were all in their early 60's and let's face it you never really stop being a Nurse. It was a beautiful time, the 1950's were the years of rebuilding from the war, it was a hard time but it was a time of proving that you could build from something terrible.

Patsy came to Nonnatus house in poplar at the beginning of the 1960's, she joined a house of other midwives, nurses and Nuns (The Nuns were also midwives they just wore there habit and not a nurses uniform)

Sister Julienne

Sister Julienne was the head of nonnatus, she was a Nun and a phenomenal midwife, she was like a mother for the rest of the midwives, you could go to her in your moment of need, could talk to her about absolutely anything. She was motherly, loving, kind and a beautiful soul, maybe a little strict at times, like any mother or grandparent can be. She had a gentleness to her, she always believed in you when no one else did, she listened and gave everyone the love and kindness that they needed and deserved. There was not one person at nonnatus or even in the district who disliked Sister Julienne, she didn't have the easiest life growing up, her father was in the army which probably meant moving around a bit, but when Sister Julienne, (who was known as Louise before taking her vows), was young her father moved them to a place where they would settle down, and she met a son of another army man, and they became close, and when they were about 17, he was planning to propose to Louise, but she stood him up outside the pictures and she became a postulant, the calling to God had been something she'd be longing for, for a while and she knew what she wanted. She lived her life to the fullest caring and loving not just her immediate Sisters and Midwives in Nonnatus house, but the whole of the district and in return everyone cared for her. When she died in 1994, aged 96 her death took a toll on everyone, she was the mother, the grandmother, the Auntie, the cousin and friend, she was everything you could ever want in a person.

Shelagh & Patrick Turner

The one person her death took a big toll on was Shelagh Turner, when she came to Nonnatus house in the 1940's she was postulant, fresh out of the nurses house, she came to poplar, a Nun called Sister Bernadette, her parents had died, her mother when she was just a young child and her father died later when she was about 15 years old, and she was then left an Orphan. She knew exactly what she wanted and she couldn't sit still for two minutes, Sister Julienne became her mother, she was like any mother would be, they had a good, strong and loving relationship and Shelagh could talk to her about anything. Even when she fell in love with Dr. Turner, left the religious life. Sister Julienne was happy for her, she knew that shelagh had probably thought about this for a long time and she supported her in her life, for she had seen and watched Shelagh argue with herself for months about what she should be doing, if she should follow God, or follow her heart, which could very well lead to the same thing. In the end she chose her heart, she chose the thing, the person that she knew would make her heart and soul happiest. Her, Dr. Turner.

Shelagh and Dr. Turner eventually had 6 children together, including Timothy, Dr. Turner's son from his first marriage. Then Shelagh and Dr. Turner after they were married began trying for their own baby, however things didn't go quite according to plan. They struggled, and they found out that when Shelagh had tuberculosis, it affected her reproductive organs as well, and although this was devastating news for them, after they came to terms with the news, they adopted a little girl, and named her Angela Julienne Turner, and she was perfect and was everything they wanted and then when Angela was about 3 years old Shelagh fell pregnant and she had Teddy, and then not long after, they fostered a little girl named May and then then 5 years after fostering they adopted her, but before they did they adopted another child called Henry, and a few months later Shelagh miraculously fell pregnant a second time, this time she had twin girls and called her Kirsten and Lizabeth, after the twins, no more children followed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2023 ⏰

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