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"I accept the Queen Regent's suggestion."

Hearing the final decision made my blood boil. I clenched my fists behind my back and closed my eyes at such an unfair situation. This was going way too out of my control; way out of the plan my advisors and I formed. I was supposed to be coronated by this time as I'd been eighteen for two months.

My eyes opened and I found a pointed stare, directed at me. Those empty yet beautiful violet eyes haunted my life ever since they entered it. Even now, they continue to do the same. My stepmother, Regina, sat in the place of the King, a satisfied smirk adorning her lips.

I met her gaze with my own as I forced a sarcastic smile. "Surely, my lords, you all understand that proceeding with this verdict will be considered rebellion against my father's last will and the kingdom's laws."

The hyenas who served the Queen Regent looked at each other while the others, who stood for my side, looked saddened. Eleven people were on the council and six of them were the puppets of my stepmother.

It was a voting and there was no apparent way that I could have won. What did she do to earn their loyalty? I wanted to question it there and then but I had plans for these traitors. Magnificient plans.

"You sure love to speak, my Prince," the devil herself smiled widely, a look of sweetness covering her corrupted intentions. "But as I said earlier, you are not ready."

"I was born to rule, Your Grace," I lifted my head with a fake smile, that almost matched hers. "I am now eighteen years of age. The throne should be mine by now. Besides, what are you going to do when the people question your decision?"

The Queen Regent raised her eyebrow before sighing and getting to her feet. She held her arms together and continued watching me with a penetrating gaze that threatened to burn my insides.

"Only two years have passed since the death of my husband, King Julian," she stated, her voice echoing through the council chambers. "Prince Rysen has been educated for all these years. But he needs more time to learn how to rule such a large and prestigious kingdom as Isfere. And if the people begin questioning, we will tell them the truth. That you are not ready."

Who was she to tell me that I was not ready? Anger was flowing through my blood, tempting me to lose the reins of my self-control. My lips formed a thin line and before I could speak, someone else did.

"I am afraid that the Queen Regent is right."

Alvin Conroy, my stepmother's younger brother, looked at me with fake sympathy. They were the same, both in looks and in low cunning. When his eyes set on me, I clenched my fists harder. I despised that man from the depths of my heart.

"One more year and you shall get what you want," The Queen Regent spoke and she resumed her seat. "You are young and hot-blooded; just like we all were once. We understand your need to win glory for yourself and I shall excuse your improper behaviour. You are dismissed to your chambers."

I pinned her with an unwavering gaze. "No one can tell me what to do. You do not have the authority to dismiss me."

Everyone fell silent and I feared that my stepmother would pop a nerve. She was already smiling with her teeth at this disrespect, a dangerous sign. Like a predator wanting to rip prey into pieces. Unfortunately for her, I was not willing to be her toy anymore.

"I am a man grown. Not a child anymore, my Lords," I spoke with no fear as I glanced at every single face in that room with a cool gaze. "I am soon to be your King. And since you withheld me from my rightful place for a year, I shall be attending all the council meetings from now on."

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