chapter eight

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It was barely 7 am when someone knocked on the door of Laras hotel room. She rubbed her eyes as she sat up and saw Ronnie still asleep next to her. Who would knock on her door at 7 in the morning? She quickly got up and went to the door, even though she was only in pyjama pants and Phil's shirt. She opened the door to see her boyfriend standing on the other side. He had a bakery bag and 3 cup in his hand. "Good morning" he smiled and Lara blinked as she let him inside of the hotel room. "It's really early" mumbled Lara still half asleep "yeah, but we need to go to the airport later" he put the things on the table and turned back to her. "Ibiza?" he nodded "is that my shirt?" she smiled before he pulled her close and hugged her. "no, it's mine now" Phil smiled as well before kissing her. Their kiss was cut short because they heard Ronnie yawning. The 4 year old woke up, rubbed his eyes and excitedly exclaimed "DADDY" as he saw his father. "I will change he is all yours" Lara leaned up and kissed Phil's cheek before grabbing clean clothes and leaving to the bathroom. "Good morning, Ronnie" Phil walked over to the bed where his son was still sitting. "How did you sleep?" "Mhh good, I am hungry" Phil laughed "come on I brought breakfast" he picked Ronnie up and sat down with him on the table. He opened the bakery bag and took out 3 croissants, a bagel and a donut. Donnie's eyes went wide as he saw the food. Meanwhile Lara re entered the room and picked up Ronnies cup on her way to the table. "What did you bring?" "Coffee for you" Phil handed her the to-go cup "oh, god I love you" he smiled and grabbed a croissant for Ronnie. "Did you have fun last night?" She nodded "how are you not on hungover?" "A secret I'll never tell" he laughed "what is hungover?" asked Ronnie and Lara looked at Phil with a look that said 'you tell him' "it's if you have a headache in the morning because of something stupid you did last night" explained the footballer "are you on hungover daddy?" "No, I am fine" Phil replied with a chuckle. "I made sure to take it easy last night, buddy. No silly mistakes for me." He ruffled Ronnie's hair affectionately, causing the young boy to giggle. Lara sat down next to Phil, sipping her coffee gratefully. "Thank you for bringing breakfast, babe." Phil smiled warmly at her. "Anything for my two favorite people." He reached over and took a bite of his croissant, savoring the buttery goodness. Ronnie eagerly followed suit, munching on his own croissant with delight. As they enjoyed their breakfast together, the room filled with the comforting sounds of their laughter and conversation. Phil and Lara exchanged stories from the previous night, reminiscing about the incredible celebration after the Champions League victory. Ronnie chimed in with his own anecdotes, his eyes shining with excitement. After they finished eating, Phil wiped Ronnie's mouth with a napkin and lifted him off the table. "Alright, little man, time to get ready for our trip to Ibiza," he announced. Ronnie's eyes widened with anticipation, thrilled at the thought of getting on a plane again. Lara was still tried and she knew today would be another exhausting day. They would fly to Ibiza just to fly back to Manchester tomorrow for the treble parade. But then the week wouldn't even be over. The family planed on driving down to London, since Phil had to be in St. George's on Thursday. She gathered their belongings while Phil helped Ronnie change into his clothes for the day. They quickly packed their bags, making sure to bring everything they needed for the trip. The atmosphere in the room was filled with anticipation and excitement for the adventures that awaited them. Once they were all ready, Phil held Lara's hand as they walked towards the door. "Are you ready for some fun in the sun, Lara?" he asked with a playful grin. Lara smiled tiredly but nodded, feeling a surge of excitement despite her fatigue. "Absolutely, Phil. I can't wait to soak up the sun in Ibiza. It will probably rain when we are back home" She leaned against his shoulder for support as they made their way out of the hotel room, with Ronnie holding Phil's hand tightly. The morning air was refreshing, and they hailed a cab to take them to the airport.

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