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10th July 2024 had come faster than everybody excepted. The now 10 week pregnant Lara was ever happier. The euros had just ended for england who didn't make it to the final. Today was the day. The day she would finally after over 8 years of dating marry the love of her life. Today she would marry Phil.

Surrounded by lush gardens and their closest family and friends, Lara and Phil prepared to embark on the next chapter of their love story. As the sun kissed their faces, excitement and joy filled the air, blending with the gentle whispers of anticipation.

Lara, radiant in her flowing white gown that gracefully draped over her growing baby bump, took a moment to reflect on the incredible journey that had led her to this day. She couldn't believe that a year had passed since Phil's heartfelt proposal, and now, they were about to exchange vows and become husband and wife.

Meanwhile, Phil, dressed in a sharp tailored suit, fidgeted with his tie nervously. He couldn't wait to see his beautiful bride walking down the aisle, but he couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and jitters. Today was the day he had dreamed of since that first moment he laid eyes on Lara in their high school classroom.

As the ceremony began, soft music played, filling the air with an enchanting melody. Ronnie, their now 5-year-old son, stood at the altar, dressed in a mini tuxedo, eagerly waiting for his parents' arrival. His wide grin mirrored the happiness that radiated from everyone present.

The guests turned their heads as Lara made her grand entrance, accompanied by her father. All eyes were on her, captivated by her ethereal beauty. Phil's breath caught in his throat as he locked eyes with his soon-to-be-wife, his heart swelling with love and adoration.

The couple stood together, hand in hand, as their dear friend officiated the ceremony. There were tears of joy and laughter intermingled as their journey was celebrated, and heartfelt vows were exchanged.

"Lara, from the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you were the one," Phil declared, his voice filled with sincerity. "You've brought so much light, love, and laughter into my life. I promise to cherish and support you, to be the best husband and father I can be, and to keep making memories that will last a lifetime."

Lara's eyes glistened with tears of happiness as she spoke her vows. "Phil, you are my rock, my partner in crime, and my greatest love. Together, we have built a beautiful life, and I am so grateful for every moment we share. I promise to stand by your side, to support and encourage you, and to love you fiercely every day."

Amidst cheers and applause, the couple sealed their vows with a tender kiss, sealing their love for all eternity. Ronnie, standing beside them, couldn't contain his excitement any longer. He jumped up and down, clapping his tiny hands, as if he knew the significance of this special day.

As the reception began, laughter and joy filled the air. The couple danced their first dance as husband and wife, their bodies swaying to a romantic tune. Ronnie, filled with youthful energy, joined them on the dance floor, his infectious giggles echoing throughout the venue.

Throughout the evening, friends and family gathered around, sharing stories, laughter, and well wishes. There were heartfelt toasts, playful banter, and moments of pure joy that filled every corner of the room. It was a celebration of love, unity, and the start of a new chapter for the Foden family.

As the night drew to a close, Lara and Phil stole a quiet moment alone, hand in hand under the starry night sky. The world seemed to stand still as they embraced each other, feeling the warmth of their love and the excitement of the new life growing within Lara.

"Can you believe it, Phil? We're married," Lara whispered, her voice filled with awe.

He pulled her close, pressing a tender kiss to her forehead. "I can't imagine my life without you, Lara. Today was a dream come true, and I'm so grateful to be on this journey with you."

With hearts full of love and anticipation, they gazed into the future, knowing that their love story would continue to unfold, filled with laughter, adventure, and the joy of building a family together.

And as the night sky shimmered with stars, they knew that this was only the beginning of a lifetime of love, shared dreams, and endless possibilities.

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