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Lin Rhe's Pov

Darkness was all she could see. Wandering around the dark and shady room, she was starting to lose her mind.
There was an unbearable noise in her head. The ringing was harsh and loud. All she wanted was to get out of there.

Two hours before the apocalypse;

Waking up to a blinding light, I squinted my eyes to see clearly. Inspecting my surroundings, all I could see was the bright light shining in front of me.
For a moment, I thought of the light at the end of the tunnel. I heard a growl and a cracking sound behind me. I turned, and to my horror, I saw a horrible-looking creature. Black horrible-looking skin and ghost-like eyes.
Tattered clothes that were stained with blood made it look dreadful. The creature is human, or better still human.
As it stealthily moved towards her, she took to her heels and sprinted away from the creature.
Her heart was beating wildly as she headed towards the bright light. Not turning back once, she pushes her body through the light.

My eyes snapped open, only to see myself in a room. Slightly relieved, I saw that I was surrounded by strange equipment.
There was an oxygen mask strapped around my face. A woman in a white uniform was backing me. I was in a hospital.
Wondering how I got here, I removed the mask from my face and sat up. The nurse turned and a look of shock was plastered onto her face. Without wasting any time, she dashed out of the room, probably going to call a doctor.
I tried to recall what happened. All I could remember was that I got into a car accident. I also remembered that I had a fiance, but I found out that he was cheating on me with my step-sister.
They were planning on killing me and in turn, my sister would get my company. My own company. Remembering all of this made me boil with anger.
The one person I trusted wholeheartedly betrayed me. It was something I knew would never be erased from my memory. I left his house in annoyance and that's when I had the accident.
The nurse came back, but she returned with a handsome man that I suppose was the doctor. Ogling at him, I inspected his perfect features. From his prominent jaw to his beautiful eyes and his full lips.
I stared at him, wondering how a man could be so handsome. He looked like he was in his late twenties. Some strands of his raven hair fell over his eyes.

"How are you feeling Miss Lin Rhe?"
He asked.
Finding it hard to speak, I blinked my eyes a few times. He was about six feet tall and I could see his bulging muscles from the white coat that he wore. He then sat down on the bed.

"You have been in a coma for two months. You suffered multiple burns, a few broken ribs, some fractured bones, and a very severe head trauma. Honestly, it's a miracle that you survived."

I let the information he gave me sink in. I have been unconscious for two months! How was that possible?

"I-I don't know what to say. Thank you for saving me, doctor." I said with much appreciation.

He gave me a charming smile. "I only performed my duty. I'll have to leave you. I have other patients to attend to. I will work on your discharge papers. Get better." He said and left the room, leaving me with the nurse.

I got discharged and I couldn't be any happier. I was thankful that God gave me another chance to live. I waited for the handsome doctor but I was unlucky and I didn't get to say goodbye.

As I was about to leave, an emergency patient was rushed in. Her clothes were covered with blood and she was shaking uncontrollably. As they got closer to me, I saw something that I suppose was a bite mark on her right hand. One of the nurses quickly went out to call the doctor.

Shocked, I watched as they rushed her into the emergency room. I wondered what had happened to her. I couldn't go into the ER so I decided to just stay outside. I heard a voice and I realized that it came from the tv. I saw the president on the screen

"Citizens of the Philippines should be informed that a deadly virus is raging on the streets of the Philippines and the rest of the world. It has now been declared a pandemic.

There should be no cause for alarm, as we are doing everything possible to combat this virus. Just like every country in the world. Here are the symptoms of this unknown virus;

1. Extreme case of violence
2. Red bulging eyes.
3. Black scaly skin
4. Purple-looking veins on the individual skin the person infected can bite and infect another person instantly.

Please stay indoors, a rescue team should arrive in the next three to five days. Good luck."

The signal was cut and that was when I realized the commotion around me. Loud growling sounds could be heard. Nurses and patients all scattered around, running away from something. Without wasting any time, I ran out of the hospital.
There was also a commotion outside. I saw a man coming towards me. He was covered in blood and had a missing eye. Growling at me, I ran away, but I realized that he wasn't the only one. There were more and they were quickly.
Getting to me. I bent down to avoid them but suddenly, a hand reached out towards me and covered my mouth. Thrashing and scratching, the person brought me to his car.


"Good thing you're ok. The hospital is already infected. We have to get out of here now." He said and started the car.

The infected people, who I considered to be zombies, were already coming towards the car. I put on my seatbelt and held onto it tightly, knowing that this was going to get ugly.

"Hold on!" He said and ran over one of the zombies. He sped through the car park and we got onto the streets. The same thing was happening. People screaming for help and the zombies attacking them. I gulped fearfully.

"Why is this happening doc? What happened?"

"This didn't just start now, it started about a year ago. People started turning up with fever, seizures, and other symptoms".
"The government started to run tests on them but they found nothing. Somehow, they broke free and have started to infect people."

"But it's not only happening here?"

"No, many other countries went through it but they did not want to cause panic. So they did everything secretly but now all hell has set loose." I stared at the doctor.
I couldn't believe what was happening. I woke up from a coma to meet this. The possibility of me making it out alive was slim. Wouldn't it have been better if I had just died?

"Settle yourself Miss Rhe as we will be driving now''.
The zombies are running to our car at a high speed. He drives in an alley. I saw that the establishments are in a messy state.
So many people were shouting and were terrified but I couldn't help them right now.
We will be heading to the safe camp that the government made he said.'' By the way, my name is Harry Lee,27 years old''. He said that to me with his eyes on the road.
"I am Lin Rhe, 24 years old. Why is it happening now doc that people are infected with the virus"? I said to Harry.
"Miss Rhe this virus has already happened 1 year ago but the symptoms only show a high fever and seizure''.
This is discreet information that the government has been hiding since 1 year ago. We passed in a forest area but suddenly the car stopped.
We saw a green land full of trees. We started to feel the heaviness that we encountered a while ago.
We settle at a particular place, far away from the highway. Thankfully, he has a bag full of pieces of equipment and materials for emergency purposes.

"Doc Harry, are the zombies evolving every day or month?"

"It is unknown whether they evolve immediately or not." He said as he started to prepare what we needed.

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