Chapter 22

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I watched through the blinds of my living room window to see if Theo had changed his mind about me or not.

I expected to see him drive away in his Jeep and never come back. So when he pulled up and parked beside my red and white Mini Cooper, I squealed at the sight. He intended to stay!

Please answer me. Let me know you're alright. At least let me know you made it back to Austin. My phone buzzed with another text message from Jamie as Theo sat in the living room with me.

"This is what I want," Theo said, holding a bottle of water I'd given him, sitting in the Barcalounger next to me while I curled up on the couch with a cup of hot Earl Grey tea.


"Serenity. Silence. Simplicity. No chaos whatsoever," he said, leaning back and smiling. "I like this place. It's quite cozy."

"Oh, thanks. Yeah, I try to keep it simple since I, myself, am so chaotic all by myself," I said, joking.

Theo raised an eyebrow at me. "You're not chaotic."

"Uh, yes, I am. Did you not see me earlier with the door and the groceries? Ugh, I'm such a mess."

Theo took a sip of his water and laughed. "I'm not sure you know what I mean by chaotic. I'm talking about living with someone who is so unpredictable and extreme that you don't know if you're going to survive another day with them or not."

I immediately thought of my stepdad. "Oh, I know the meaning. Trust me."

Theo nodded and narrowed his eyes at me. "You've lived with someone like that?"

"Oh yeah. My parents. They have been like that all my life, and that's why I am happy to live here where I don't have to put up with it anymore. No more bullshit."

Theo dropped his eyes and nodded. "That's what I need. No more bullshit. Speaking of bullshit, I brought some things to show you. You know, for the article."

"Oh good! I wrote up some questions. Want to get started?" I asked, eager to see what he needed to show me and to listen to everything he had to say.

"Actually..." Theo darted his eyes to the side in thought. "I was hoping you would show me all the good places to hide first. I think this place is a great start, but I'd like to see what else there is here in Austin. I've never really been here before. I've only driven through it on I-35."

I was thrilled to show Theo around Austin. We took my Mini so we could fit into all of the tight parking spaces and walk. I took him all up and down South Congress, first stopping into one of my favorite places.

"Before we get started," I said, leading Theo into the store.

He stepped tall inside behind me, and I led him over to a rack.

"You need an amazing pair of sunglasses if you really want to go into hiding," I said, taking a pair of gaudy red ones and placing them over my face.

Theo laughed. I knew they looks ridiculously large on my face, and making him laugh was totally worth it.

"How about these?" Theo stepped next to me and pulled a pair of giant, dazzling white sunglasses, placing them over his face.

"You look absolutely ridiculous!" I couldn't help but to walk him over to the nearest mirror and show it to him. We stood side by side and laughed at ourselves and each other.

After trying on about twenty pairs each, I found a pair of men's sunglasses that immediately caught my eye. I held them up to Theo. "Oh my god, these are meant for you. I just know it. Try them on," I said.

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