Chapter 6

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OMG, y'all! I'm shocked that this thing has garnered random votes and comments at all! 💖 I can't even handle the fact that someone's even reading this fic I started out of pure boredom. But seriously, thank you so much?? You guys are amazing!

I gotta admit, I'm having a blast writing this, lmao <3


Elon sits back, his eyes locked with Taylor's, a confident grin spread across his face. "Bring it on, Taylor. I'm ready for this challenge. I'll prove to you that I'm not just blowing hot air."

Taylor smirks mischievously, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Alright, Mr. Musk, let's see if you can handle the heat." She takes a moment to relish the suspense, savoring the energy building between them. "What's my first album called?" she asks, her voice carrying a playful challenge.

Elon leans forward, a glint of determination in his eyes. "Hmm, let me think. I'm going to go with 'Taylor Swift: Beginnings'."

Taylor raises an eyebrow, impressed. "Not bad, Elon. But close, yet no cigar. The correct answer is 'Taylor Swift: Taylor Swift.' You were just one word away from nailing it!"

Elon chuckles, shaking his head. "Well, I guess I'll have to step up my game then. Hit me with the next question, Taylor."

With a mischievous twinkle in her eye, Taylor continues, "Alright, here's another one. What's the title of the longest-running song on my fourth album, 'Red'?"

Elon ponders for a moment, his mind racing through the tracklist. "Ah, I believe it's 'All Too Well.'"

Taylor's eyes widen, surprised by his correct answer. "Wow, Elon! That's impressive! You definitely did your homework. 'All Too Well' is indeed the longest-running song on 'Red'."

Elon grins triumphantly, feeling the thrill of the challenge intensifying. "I'm just getting started, Taylor. Hit me with the last question."

Taylor takes a small breath, ready to stump him. "Alright, Elon, you've surprised me so far. Let's see if you can guess this one. In which year did I release my album '1989'?"

Elon smirks confidently, his eyes locked with Taylor's. "Easy. '1989' was released in 2014."

Taylor's jaw drops slightly, astonished by Elon's flawless answer. "You... You got it, Elon! That's absolutely right! I didn't expect you to guess all three questions correctly."

Elon winks playfully. "Never underestimate the combined power of a billionaire and a pop icon, Taylor. We make quite the formidable duo."

Taylor can't help but let out a laugh, feeling her heart warm up to the charismatic entrepreneur sitting across from her. She leans in closer, her shy demeanor melting away

Elon leans back in his chair, a mischievous glimmer in his eye. "Alright, Taylor, it's only fair that you get a chance to test my knowledge as well. Brace yourself for some fire questions about yours truly."

Taylor nods, a competitive fire burning within her. She watches as a waiter pours them some more wine, taking a sip and savoring the rich flavor. "I'm up for the challenge, Elon. Let's see how well I know the man behind SpaceX and Tesla."

With a confident smile, Elon begins his round of questions. "First up, Taylor, how many siblings do I have?"

Taylor raises an eyebrow, her mind racing to recall any tidbits she might have come across about Elon's family. "Hmm, let me think. I remember reading somewhere that you have a brother named Kimbal and a sister named Tosca, who in fact tried to make that livestream work. So, I'm going to say you have two siblings."

Elon's eyes widen in surprise, a chuckle escaping his lips. "You're absolutely right, Taylor! I do indeed have two siblings. Impressive."

Taylor can't help but feel a surge of thrill at getting the answer right. She leans forward, her competitive side fully engaged. "Alright, Elon, bring it on. What's question number two?"

Elon smirks, clearly enjoying the challenge. "Here's a tough one for you. What year did I co-found Zip2 Corporation?"

Taylor furrows her brow, racking her brain to recall any notable dates in Elon's early career. "Hmm, let me think. I know Zip2 was one of your early ventures. I'll take a wild guess and say it was founded in...1995?"

Elon's eyes twinkle, impressed yet again. "Spot on, Taylor! Zip2 Corporation was indeed co-founded by me in 1995. You've got quite the talent for nailing these questions."

Taylor's competitive spirit soars as she leans in closer. "Last question, Elon. I'm ready to keep the streak going. Hit me."

Elon grins, his eyes locked with Taylor's. "Alright, here's the final question. What's the name of the spaceflight company I founded in 2002?"

Taylor's face lights up, her confidence radiating. "That's an easy one, Elon. You founded SpaceX!"

Elon nods enthusiastically, applauding her with a playful smile. "Bravo, Taylor! You've done it again. Perfect score! Looks like we truly are a competitive match made in heaven."

They both erupt into laughter, their playful banter sprinkled with mutual admiration. As the evening unfolds, they realize that their competitive spirits have only brought them closer together. With each passing question and each sip of wine, their connection deepens, sparking flames of curiosity and attraction.

Elon's eyes dance with amusement as he leans back in his chair, his gaze locked on Taylor. "You know, Taylor, I must say, you've got an impressive knack for getting every single question right about me. Are you sure you didn't do some covert research or secretly become a fan?"

A faint blush tinges Taylor's cheeks as she playfully rolls her eyes. "Oh please, Elon. I'm not one to go digging into people's lives. I just happened to pick up these tidbits casually and randomly from conversations in the industry. It's all a matter of being well-connected and absorbing information like a sponge."

Elon raises an eyebrow, a grin teasing the corners of his lips. "Well-connected, huh? I see, Miss Swift. So, you're telling me you have your sources spreading juicy gossip about yours truly?"

Taylor chuckles, a hint of mischief in her eyes. "Oh, you know how the industry functions, Elon. Secrets have a way of finding their way into the grapevine."

Their playful banter continues, a dance of wit and gentle teasing, as the night unfolds before them. Amidst laughter and shared stories, they find themselves drawn closer, the sparks of curiosity and attraction forging an unexpected connection between the two extraordinary individuals.

Taylor takes a bite of the delicious food before her, savoring the flavors as they burst on her taste buds. She nods in approval, a satisfied smile gracing her lips. "You know, Elon, this food is absolutely fantastic. I can see why this place is so highly acclaimed."

Elon returns her smile, his eyes shining with both admiration and a hint of mischief. "I'm glad you're enjoying it, Taylor. Now, about our Minecraft stream... I think it's a brilliant idea. We did create quite the fantastic world together on our server, didn't we? It's only fitting that we take it to the next level and continue raising funds as a team."

A blush creeps up Taylor's cheeks as she glances down at her plate, a soft smile playing on her lips. "You're right, Elon. We did make quite the pair in Minecraft, building and exploring together. I suppose we do make a good team."

Elon's eyes twinkle with genuine appreciation as he leans in closer, his voice lowered. "Not just in Minecraft, Taylor. I've come to realize that there's a special connection between us beyond the digital realm. I believe we can accomplish incredible things together, not just in raising funds but in making a real difference in the world."

Taylor's heart skips a beat at his words, her eyes meeting his in an unspoken understanding. The air around them crackles with the energy of newfound possibilities.

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