Chapter 20

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Hi, loves!

This chapter was requested by 4194383221Ab and I'll also dedicate it to MariaRebecca366 for the lovely comments and for encouraging me to update lol

Tysm for everything! Hope y'all like it <3


Elon lets out an exasperated sigh as he paces back and forth, his mind consumed with frustration. He can't help but feel like a fool for falling for Taylor's words, for allowing himself to believe that their connection was strong enough to overcome any obstacles. But now, as he reads through the tweets about her supposed romantic date with the football player, doubt gnaws at him. Maybe he had been naive all along.

A flurry of thoughts whirls through Elon's head as he questions his own judgment. He wonders if Taylor had been playing him all this time, using him as a mere distraction from the media's prying eyes. Did she ever truly have any intentions of being with him, or was it all just a game to her? The bitterness of this possibility stings him deeply.

Feeling a sense of betrayal, Elon angrily closes his phone and thrusts it into his pocket, his heart heavy with disappointment. The wind blows harshly on the cliff, mirroring the turmoil inside him. He had truly believed in their connection, their moments of laughter and vulnerability. But now, those memories feel distant, overshadowed by the reality of Taylor's actions.

While he walks away from their once-special spot, Elon can't help but replay their conversations in his mind, searching for any signs that he had missed. Maybe there were hints, subtle indications that Taylor wasn't as invested as he was. But try as he might, he can't find any solace in those memories. All he can feel is regret for letting himself be vulnerable, for opening his heart to someone who didn't reciprocate his feelings.

Alone in his thoughts, Elon eventually reaches his car. He sinks into the driver's seat, his hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. Rage mixes with sadness as he processes the situation. He had been fooling himself, clutching onto hope that was never truly there. It's a bitter pill to swallow, but Elon knows he must face the truth.

As Taylor rushes back to her place after the orchestrated date, her mind is filled with conflicting emotions. She can't shake off the guilt that gnaws at her for standing up Elon at their special spot. Despite knowing it was a setup, she still feels regret for not being able to defy her manager's wishes. The weight of their potential connection hangs heavy on her heart.

Once she arrives, Taylor quickly plops down on her couch, her fingers tapping anxiously on her phone screen. She opens up the messaging app and begins typing a heartfelt message to Elon, apologizing for her absence and expressing her longing to see him. But as she hits send, minutes pass, and there's no immediate response.

A sense of unease starts to simmer within Taylor as she stares at her phone, waiting for that familiar buzz of a notification. She knows Elon typically replies promptly, no matter how busy he is. The silence amplifies her worry, and her mind begins to conjure up worst-case scenarios.

Did he read her message? Did he receive it at all? The anxious thoughts flood her mind, as doubt and insecurity creep in. Taylor's fingers tremble slightly as she reopens the messaging app, staring at her sent message. She taps on Elon's name and types again, desperately hoping for a reply.

"Hey, Elon, I'm so sorry for not showing up. It was never my intention to leave you hanging. Are you okay? Please reply when you get this," she writes, her words laced with sincerity and concern. Every passing second feels like an eternity as she waits for a response.

Taylor glances around her empty apartment, the silence swallowing her worries. Her thoughts wander to all the moments they shared, the laughter and shared dreams. She fears that it may all slip away, that the connection they had painstakingly built might crumble under the weight of doubt.

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