Chapter Eight: Everything's Change

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After learning from Greer that Mary was looking at a match with Portugal, I was livid with her. I had sent men to Scotland, so there was no need for concern, but no........they 'might' not be enough, she says.
My people are some of the most highly trained in the world currently as I introduced military training from my work, with friends in thr military I learned of their intense training in his time and that with a strick training schedule help improve that training.

Lola went with Greer for a walk, and I trailed behind them with a flower in my hand. Deep in thought, I said to sing a song from my time as I missed some of the music.

Once my son was done, I noticed someone walking towards me and saw it was Francis, I smiled at him, which he returned before greeting me.

"That was a love song, Diana."

"Thank you, Francis,"

We walked for a little while learning more about each other, he wanted to make sure he was honest with me about everything including the woman he had slept with and I was honest with him that while I have not slept with anyone I did try other things but not often as I was busy with other things.
He nodded, but I could tell he was tense about that, but I was happy I was still a virgin.
He also seemed happy that I wasn't running away at his list of past lovers.

"You don't seem to be angry about my past with other women?"

"Why would I be.....they were before us, and you needed that time to grow, so I will not begrudge you that.
But I will not accept any mistress unless she is happy to have a threesome. I do not like being left out of such things."

That seemed to shock Francis that he actually stopped and looked at me, checking my face to see if I was lying about what I just said.

"You really...mean that?"

"Of course I do......I won't accept you sleeping with every woman and I insist you were the special protection I have made so you do not father any childern by them but you can not take any mistress on without my approval. That is not negotiable."

"That is does someone like you exist? Most women would demand i remain completely faithful."

"You will be faithful as we are doing this together. Are you planning to leave me?"


"Are you going to remove me and get rid of any children we have?"

"No, of course not."

"Then I have nothing to fear, I think i am not being unreasonable. All I ask is that we are careful. I want you to be happy. I love you."

Francis looked me with a look of awe, then stopped, and I did with him.

"You... love me?"

"How could I not silly."

I laughed at his facial expression, but just before he pulled me to him, we saw Mary walking with Tomà in the garden.
I could tell Francis was fustrated with her and that Andre was heartbroken by the situation.

It was a few days later that shit really hit the fan.
I walked into Mary trying to remove her engagement to Francis, and he seemed all for it, but Andre was fighting it as he didn't trust Tomà.
Once she had succeeded, she left the room, and Francis turned to his father.

"There is someone I want to marry,"

Henry had this look of disbelief on his face but when he saw is son was completely serious and that Catherine was lending g him silent support i left the room with everyone else as I had to hope that Francis is successful.

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