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Deep in the Castle in the Kingdom of Rosas, there was a dungeon - a place where the worst ever lawbreakers to the kingdom were locked up.

On one of the walls in one of the cells in the dungeon, there, hung up on the wall, was a diamond mirror.

This diamond mirror housed King Magnifico, the ex-king of Rosas, having been defeated by Asha and her friends, and having lost his kingdom and reign to his own wife, Queen Amaya, and now, he was trapped in the finial of his diamond staff he'd created, and hung up on the wall in the castle dungeon.
He sighed, as he looked out longingly at the outside of the dungeon.

"I used to be the King of Rosas," he lamented. "I used to be the one they asked for wishes. I used to be so adored."
"And now look at me." he growled bitterly. "I've lost everything. Trapped in this mirror-like prison in the dungeon! All because of that... that... ASHA!!!!"

He remembered Asha; The girl who wanted to be his apprentice. The girl who stood up to him. The girl who wanted nothing more but to have her grandfather's wish granted.
The girl who, along with the help of her goat, Valentino, her friends, and his own wife, Amaya, beat him, folied his plan to steal Star, and trapped him in his own staff.

At the mention of her, King Magnifico felt a new emotion - Anger.

It flared up inside him. His eyes glowed green, and rage bubbled in his blood.

"SHE DID THIS TO ME!" he yelled.

"SHE AND HER STUPID! IDIOT! FRIENDS!" He started breathing heavily, his mussed-up hair now even more mussed up than usual.


He let out a fierce roar of anger. "I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE ON YOU!!!!!" he roared. "I will smash this prison and escape, if that's what it takes!" he yelled.

He punched the glass of his mirrored prison.

To his surprise, it didn't crack.

He tried again.


He pounded it over and over.

Still nothing.

His heart pounding like mad, King Magnifico went into a full-blown tantrum, punching and kicking the glass of his mirrored prison rapidly, hoping it would at least crack.

"I Gave people their wishes!" he snapped as he pounded on the glass. "I helped them out, I fulfilled all their requests! All I want is a little respect!" His voice soon rose to a yell. "AND THIS IS THE THANKS I GET?!!?!?!!?!"

He let out an ear-breaking scream of anger, and pounded hard on the glass with both fists.

Slowly, but surely, his anger began to calm down.

Rubbing his now throbbing hands, he stared at the glass in the mirror.

Sadly, not a single crack had formed in the glass.

Reality struck him like a freight train.

He was trapped in his own mirrored prison for eternity.

He couldn't have felt more distraught in all his life.

He slunk down to the floor.

And then......

He started to cry.

Tears poured down his face and soaked into his robes.

Loud uncontrollable sobs of anguish escaped from his throat, and echoed in the mirrored prison.

King Magnifico pulled himself into a ball, clenched his eyes shut, and buried his face in his legs, trying to stifle his sobs.

"Some king I am." he mourned. "Trapped here for all eternity. It'll be a miracle if anyone, even Amaya, even talks to me. Nobody cares about me now."
"Heck, i bet even a prisoner that comes to this dungeon won't even talk to me." he sulked, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I'm nothing but a fool."

He shivered, for despite being trapped in a mirror-like prison, he could feel the cold of the dungeon. He pulled his cape over his body, and let himself mourn.

"I'm the loneliest man in the world, now." he sobbed. "It's hopeless."

His quiet muffled sobs echoed through the dark cold dungeon.

To say he deserved his fate was an understatement.

The Lonely Ex-KingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang