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I'm late. Again.

It's the first day of classes and I'm fucking late.

Running through the rain today was not on my agenda, but Massachusetts and its shit weather seems to have other plans.

It's the way that I had this whole day planned out to the dot. I was gonna get up early, take a shower, have a nice breakfast... but, nope. All of that went to waste as soon as I woke up this morning and realized I missed my alarm by a great amount.

So, with a to-go coffee cup in my hand and my backpack that weighs about five tons hanging off of only one of my shoulders, I'm trying my best to make it to my journalism class without being too late.

Finally spotting the English Literature building, I make a dart for the door, holding no surprise to find the hallways completely vacant besides a couple of loiterers.

I head for the left hallway, holding no attention to my surroundings as I try my best to remember what room my class is held in. Goddammit. Why didn't I try to memorize this beforehand?

Recognition hits me when I see the numbers for the correct lecture room, and I'm one minute early. Let's fucking go.

I reach for the door handle, my hands completely full with my belongings. However, before my hand even get's the chance to grasp onto the door handle, I'm being shoved forward from behind harshly, causing all my belongings to spill from my hands and for my full coffee cup to spill all over myself and the floor.

"What the fuck?" I bellowed in shock, anger coursing through my veins.

I turn around slowly, my outfit dripping in my beverage. I'm on the verge of tears. Why does this shit always have happen to me?

When my eyes meet with that offender, my rage increases tenfold. Elias fucking Reed. Of course it was him.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I practically screech. "Can't you watch where your fucking going?"

Elias' eyes are filled with disdain when he sees me, a scowl forming on his lips. "What's wrong with me?" He sneers, mocking me. "You're the one who was trying to open the door with full arms."

"You're the one who pushed me." I gasp, astounded that he's putting this on me. Who does he think he is?

Elias opens his mouth to make what I assume is a smart retort back but before he has the chance to, the door opens behind me and a student comes out, annoyance laced into his features. "Will you guys stop fighting? No one can hear in the back because of you two."

"Shouldn't have sat in the back then." Elias snaps back.

The guy's eyes widens when his eyes meet Elias', and he starts pointing at him like a fanatic.

"Holy shit!" He blurts out. "You're Elias Reed."

I roll my eyes, my day completely ruined now. "I'm leaving." I announce, not particularly to anyone. Picking up my belongings, I slide past Elias and the guy, deciding that I've already missed too much of the class to join now. Either way, it's all just syllabus talk. I can find that shit online.

Plus, with my newly bought outfit with fresh coffee stains all over it now, class is the last place I would like to be right now.

I exit the building, thankful for no interference on my way out. I need to go home, change my clothes, and take a long hot shower.

I'm still completely and utterly agitated. He didn't even say sorry. He just assumes that he can do no wrong because he's Co-Captain of the fucking hockey team or some stupid shit like that. Not even Captain and everyones already obsessed with him.

Elias expects everyone and everything to fall at his fucking feet. It's like he thinks he's this gift from heaven and blesses people with his entrance whenever he walks into a room.

And the worst part of it all? That's exactly what happens- at least in everyone else's eyes.

Girls fall at his feet wherever he goes, practically ass kissing him any chance they get. Guys will do anything to be friends with him, get into his close-knit circle... I don't even understand why. There's not even much to the guy besides hockey.

I decide on erasing him from my thoughts as I make my way back to my house, a two-bedroom town house that I share with one other person. I love this house and my roommate with everything in me, them being one of the only two things I've had steady since I moved here last year in the middle of my sophomore year.

"Nadia?" I call out as I enter the front door. "You home?"

Thundering footsteps can be heard from the stairs, and before I know it, a brown-skinned beauty comes running towards me, a confused look drawn all over her face as she takes in my drenched clothes and screwed up hair.

'Why are you home so early?" She questions. "Aren't you supposed to be in class?"

"Yeah, about that..." I trail off not really sure what else to say. "I had a run in with someone. Can you guess who?" I grumble, disdain coating my mouth.

"No." Nadia gasps, shock laced in her tone. "Elias did this to you?"

"It was an accident." I mutter, setting my books on the counter. "But it's not like he made any effort to apologize either."

"Ugh." Nadia groans. "That dickhead."

"Tell me about it." I sigh as I kick off my shoes. I throw out the empty coffee cup in our trash can before dropping my bag on the floor.

I pull at the clothes that have now become tight against my body, clinging to me like a second skin. "Now if you excuse me," I huff, exhausted from this day already. "I have a two hour shower to go take. Again."

"Rowan." Nadia calls out as I make my way up the stairs, gaining my attention. I swivel my head towards her, a questioning look on my face.

When I don't say anything, she goes on.

"Don't you think it's time to let go of this feud you have with him?" She questions, shocking me. "You two have hated each other ever since you got here."

I gape at her, no words escaping my mouth. When thoughts start circulating back to my brain, a frown forms on my face.

"It's not like I'm the one who started it." I mumble, not sure what else to say. "And even if I wanted to, he never would."

And if that wasn't the truth. Because Elias Reed is a jackass, and there's absolutely nothing about him that could change my mind otherwise.



Prologue! Hopefully it wasn't too unbearable, haha.

I just wanted to thank you all for reading, it means so much to me. I hope you all continue to stick with this book to see where it goes. I have a strong feeling about this one.

All the love, ayesha.

Off the Ice | ON HOLDOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant