Happily (n)ever after

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1946 AD

In a quiet corner of an equally quiet temple of a village, there sat a boy, weeping lightly while cursing his fate.

The illegitimate child of an English officer and an orphan, he was the only person in that village who was liked by no one.

When the villagers should've looked at him as the child of his mother, a loving but poor woman, who was used by that officer to quench his thirst, they looked at him as the child of someone who had oppressed them, just as someone carrying the genes of their oppressor.

But today was a different day, he could tell from the noise of people arriving at the temple. And he remembered, it was Janmashtami, the birthday of his Kanha Ji.

"My child! Everyone is celebrating outside and you're sitting here. Come with me!" the temple priest called him softly, his hands caressing the boy's hairs.

"But Baba, how can I join you all in this celebration. I a-am...a...a sin."he said, sobbing lightly.

"Beta, you too are the child of God. Do you think he will be happy seeing his child in this condition? Besides, your friend is here. You want to meet him or I send him back?"and hearing this, the boy sprinted outside to meet his friend, his only well-wisher after the temple priest.

Outside, when everyone is giving him death glares, and he could die if eyes kill, our lovely boy was searching for him.

"Baba said he is here so why can't I find him." He thought to himself and then continued his search.

"TIME FOR THE DAHI HANDI!!! EVERYONE COME HERE!!!" he heard a commotion and went towards the said area.

A boy, dressed up as Kanha ji, looking magnificent in those yellow clothes, a 'morpankh' adorning on his head and a 'basuri' in his hands, touching his lips and playing a melody. The melody, the song so soothing like morning glory, like the moments of separation which will end soon and make you meet the almighty.

It was him, the person he was searching for everywhere.

And then he started to climb the pyramid of govindas, reaching the high hung dahi handi and in a single trial, smashing it that makes the pious prasad fall onto everyone, including our lovely boy.

"Hey friend! I couldn't come to meet you few days and you already forget about me." the boy dressed as Kanha said.

"Oh no buddy! You got it all wrong. How could I forget the only family I have, ofcourse if you consider me one. And how beautiful you're looking in this getup. Mesmerizing just like my Kanha ji."

"Maybe you're forgetting that I'm an orphan as well. So logically, you are also the only family I have. And I'm glad you liked this. Pandit baba told me you were gloomy again that's why I thought this could lighten your mood." he replied.

"A big thankyou my friend. I am so glad God gave me the chance to meet you." and the now refreshed tone could be identified well in his voice.

(At this point, who do you think are Shubi and Ishu in this story? Because I haven't mentioned their names yet, if you have noticed.)

They sat at the hilltop, in the silence of the nature, their hearts speaking things which their mouths can't. Their eyes conveying the beauty of the world. The setting sun casted a glow on them, holding the volumes of unsaid feelings. They themselves did not know why they felt a sense of familiarity when they were with each other. They were the lone souls of the world, who found comfort in each other's embrace.

As they watched the sunset, a beautiful scenery unfolding, their eyes met. And they forgot the world for a while. A tapestry of all the moments they have spent together, all the sweet nothings they have said to each other, they could watch in them.

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