Chapter 36

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Hi y'all! Happy New Year and thank you sooo much for the comments and the funniest feedback!

I had absolutely no idea I'd ever write such a random plot, yet here I am, having the time of my life over such cute and funny comments.

Thank you all for always being so nice to me! <3


Taylor stirs in the hotel room, her fingers intertwined with Elon's. As she rubs her eyes, she steals a glance at the clock and lets out a soft sigh. Reality comes crashing back, reminding her that she must leave before he wakes up.

She carefully detangles herself from Elon's embrace, reluctant to disturb his peaceful slumber. She can't help but gaze at his sleeping form, his tousled hair and serene expression. For a moment, she contemplates waking him up, but she knows she can't. Duty calls, and she must answer.

Quietly slipping out of bed, Taylor tiptoes around the room, gathering her belongings scattered across the floor. She finds herself torn between the desire to stay and the responsibility she bears as a public figure. With every article, tweet, and paparazzi snapshot, the world watches her every move. And now, with these mysterious threats looming over her, the stakes feel even higher.

As Taylor finishes packing her bag, she steals one last glance at Elon, her heart heavy with the weight of the unknown. She leans down, placing a tender kiss on his forehead, silently wishing him a peaceful slumber.

"I'll be back," she whispers, her voice filled with both longing and determination. "I won't let anything or anyone tear us apart."

Just as Taylor reaches the door, a sleepy voice breaks the silence. "Wait, are you leaving without giving me a proper kiss?" Elon playfully queries, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. The corners of Taylor's lips curl into a shy smile, her cheeks tinted with a blush as she turns to face him.

Caught off guard by Elon's lighthearted request, Taylor's heart flutters. She takes a few steps back towards the bed, unable to resist his charm. "Oh, you caught me," she giggles, the sound filling the room with warmth.

Closing the distance between them, Taylor leans down and lightly presses her lips against Elon's. It's a tender, lingering kiss filled with unspoken promises and the sweet taste of their affection. As they pull apart, their eyes meet, and a shared understanding passes between them. Despite the challenges they face, their connection remains unshakable.

"Better?" Taylor whispers, her voice soft and filled with tenderness. Elon grins, his eyes sparkling with adoration. "Much better," he replies, delight evident in his voice.

They both chuckle, basking in the joy of this stolen moment. But reality beckons, reminding Taylor of the imminent departure she must make. With a sigh, she reluctantly pulls away, her hand lingering on Elon's cheek for a moment longer.

"I have to go," Taylor murmurs, her voice tinged with a mix of sadness and determination.

As Taylor takes a step closer to the door, Elon's voice echoes through the room once more, full of genuine longing. "I'm going to miss you," he confesses, his tone filled with a mix of sadness and anticipation. Her heart aches in response, the weight of their temporary separation settling upon her.

She turns to face him, her eyes searching his for a moment before speaking. "I'm going to miss you too," she admits, her voice laced with a bittersweet longing. The desire to stay, to bask in the warmth of his presence, is almost overwhelming.

She takes a hesitant step toward the bed, her fingers instinctively reaching out to touch his hand. "But we'll make it through this," she says, her voice filled with conviction. "We've endured distance before, and we can do it again. Just a few days."

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