05. so-called pretty

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Am I falling inlove with

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Am I falling inlove with...With SAIKI?!'

You slowly look up at your brother, the (flavor) chip that was in your hand a few seconds ago now dropped onto your lap as you look at him in disbelief. Kusuo strains his stare away from you with a frown. 

"How the fuh..?" You question. He simply shrugs. Your brother never expected it either, and it was painfully obvious that he didn't enjoy catching the attention of the most perfect pretty girl. You on the other hand was panicking, feeling your heart skip a beat. 

Damn, is he seriously getting a girlfriend before me?

'Hell no. Leave me the hell out of this.' He glared as he put the plastic bag filled with things from the supermarket onto the kitchen table. Picking up the chip that laid in your lap, you pop it back in your mouth, earning a disgusted expression from the flamingo haired psychic. 

"Good grief, another nuisance falling into my life." Kusuo mutters, although you can hear it well enough, you snicker and pretend not to notice.

"Hey, if you're lucky, she'll probably forget about it in...Let's say- 2 weeks?" You bet as you wave your finger around. "Teruhashi has a lot of guys and girls, including me, fawning over her," Kusuo suddenly irked an eyebrow when you mentioned yourself. Ain't no way he'd let you date a girl like Teruhashi just so she could manipulate you.

He'd burn  the whole cult down if you ever even thought of joining her atrocious fanclub.

 "You're probably just another NPC or side-quest in her eyes eyes that she needs to accomplish. Since everyone thinks you're so boring and just..Average, it'll be easy to avoid her." You concluded, yet Kusuo disagreed with your statement.

'I don't think you actually know Teruhashi's character information, (y/n).'

You shrug. "When she put's on that facade.." The sentence pauses to stop, with you trying to think about the word. "It's hard to make assumptions, really. Because for one, everything she thinks about herself isn't really arrogant, but mainly true, right?"


"So it's either she forgets about you, like I said a few minutes ago, or finds interest in you even more since you are the only individual who isn't brainwashed by her beauty." You grab another chip from the bag and continue munching on it with a smile, savoring the (chips of choice) from the miraculous amount of powder. 

"Or, she hates you for that and makes your life miserable."  You decide to add.

Kusuo pauses at the choices laid in front of him. "For real?" He asks, for once actually using his vocal cords instead of telepathy. 

"For real, real." You reply. 

There is an uncomfortable silence that lays there for a while up until Kusuo turns around and starts walking to the stairs, seemingly going to his room. 'There's some coffee jelly in there. If you want.' 


Why does he sound so defeated?

The loud yet quiet noise of his bedroom door getting shut was heard, leaving you with a dull look in your eyes. Does he really not want that attention? If you were him, you would honestly cherish the moment of someone with that big of a reputation suddenly paying an interest to you.

 But then again, you were pretty oblivious to peoples bad thoughts and only focused on tones and body language. That alone was hard to find out.

Kusuo and you were basically like Michikatsu and Yoriichi. Without the rivalry, maybe.

He had everything you want, and you had everything that he wants. Both pretty much tired with their boring/disastrous lives.

'Might as well give him some coffee jelly to make him feel better.'

 With a sigh, you stand up, grabbing one of the coffee jellies from the plastic bag and putting it on a small plate. You then pick up one of the few metal spoons from the drawers in the kitchen, before placing it beside the bittersweet jelly.

Lastly, You had drizzled the sweet cream on top and smiled to yourself right after, looking at the delicious masterpiece. 

Going upstairs your footsteps made a rhythmic click upon them as it was making taps every time you put one of your foot down and the other. 

'The coffee jelly jiggles a lot.'

When you reach Kusuo's room, you open the door and come in, pretty much knowing that he expected you. So you don't bother to knock. 

"Hey birthday boy." 

'It's not my birthday, idiot.' You roll eyes. 'emo ass.' 

Clearing your throat, you sit at edge of your twins bed, nudging him to eat the coffee jelly. Kusuo takes a peek and slightly tilts his head up from the pillow, sitting up as suggested and gently taking the coffee jelly from you. 

'Thanks.' He says as he chewed. Usually you see him smile with his cheeks puffed out, but it doesn't happen as of now. And sadly you can't take pictures as blackmail.

Not like he'd let you anyway..

Silence ensues once more for you, leaving it with your own thoughts. "Love's not for you?" You suddenly asked.

'No.' Is the reply the second you ask him.

"hmph." You chuckle as the quiet laugh leaves your mouth. "That's fair. Pretty much into your character." 

'You would get it if you were a psychic. It's hard to fall in love when everyone looks like bones or flesh muscle to you. And their thoughts show their true colors which just makes it so much worse. 

What they like about you or what they don't, falling in love because you were a flirt, or for lust, or for your soul, It doesn't matter to me.' Kusuo explained, looking down at the half-eaten jelly.

'I don't see the point in falling in love, and I really don't plan too, either.' Taking one last bite, he had finished his short rant, as well as the tasty treat you gave him.

 "Well, yeah, okay. Makes sense." You simply say. But then an idea comes into mind. "Yo, Ku." You call out despite him already staring into you. 

"Why don't I be your bodyguard?" 





Kusuo let out a tired sigh. "What are you on about.?"

"No, no, hear me out!" 

"No, no, hear me out!" 

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AUTHORS NOTE ✦ sorry for the lazy chapter, legit didn't know what to do with it HASDAJSJFNW

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