25. Spicy & Hot

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About one hour later, the car stopped in front of a villa. I was sleeping the whole ride though it took only an hour to reach the villa.

The area was so beautiful and peaceful. Bracciano was full of small hills and there was a big volcanic lake beside the town. The most breathtaking views from the villa were the volcanic lake and the small hills.

"Wow! It's beautiful, Nick!" I gasped.

I almost forgot that I called Nicolas by his nickname due to over-excitement. When I realized that I blushed hard and Nicolas seemed to stop for a moment.

"Yes, this place is beautiful. Especially the lake." He nodded and grabbed our luggage to carry them inside the house.

He totally ignored the fact that I called him 'Nick'. And I was so confused about his sudden calm behavior. The previous Nicolas would hit me a thousand times this week but this Nicolas was totally an opposite person like a lion without rage.

The villa seemed very elegant and cozy. When we entered the living area, I saw Victor, Stephen, Mariano and Alexander were already in.

"Hello again, Amore." Mariano grinned and waved at me.

I just rolled my eyes and sat on a couch. The living area was neatly well-decorated. Everything was painted cream in color, even the couches were also cream colored. Sitting on the couch, I could clearly see the volcanic lake through the big glass windows.

"Here you are. Let's go!" Suddenly Bella and Eva stood in front of me.

"Where?" I frowned.

"We'll show you the place, baby." Eva grabbed my hand and yanked me up.

"It's gonna be a lot of fun. Tonight is the party night. Sitting beside the fire and eating barbeque with expensive wine in this cold weather would be just amazing!" Bella jumped and clapped her hands.

"Yeah that would be awesome. But wait. Nicolas said 'we're not here for this bullshit'." I tried to mimic Nicolas voice at the last part.

Bella and Eva laughed.

"He always talks bullshit. Yes, we're here for business but that doesn't mean we can't have a party. You know we two planned this just for you and this place is suitable." Bella replied brightly.

"Oh." I didn't know what to say but the idea wasn't that bad.

We three then made our way outside, at the edge of the area to take a better view of the lake. There was a big swimming pool in front of the villa. The villa was situated on top of a hill so the area wasn't tabulated, it was craved and there were more big hills behind it. On top of the highest hill, there was an ancient castle. It was far away from the house but as it was on top of a big hill I could see a glimpse of it.

"Is that a castle?" I asked Bella.

"Yeah. It's called 'Castello Orsini-Odescalchi. It's one of the most noteworthy examples of Renaissance military architecture in Italy." Bella explained.

After the small tour around the villa, Bella and Eva showed me my room.

The room was painted white and big with an attached bathroom and an open balcony. The balcony was huge with a small coffee table and two chairs in the middle and a small nest-like cot in a corner.

Gripping the balcony railing, I took a deep breath and looked at the amazing view of the volcanic lake while the sun was setting in the west region. The view was like art.

In my town, watching the sunset from the seashore was different from it as it had no sounds of wave crushing, bird's chirping and squall wind as background music.It was calm and quiet as mild wind was blowing lazily.

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