Him & Her

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To keep my friendship with Mina, I made sure to be there for her in simple ways like opening doors, smiling, and congratulating her on work achievements.

Sometimes, I caught myself glancing at her, amused by Richard's obvious jealousy. It was a challenge, as others were interested in Mina too. Challenges never bothered me; my goal was to show Mina I was a reliable friend, even if making her fall in love with me seemed impossible based on her story.

Our workmates noticed my kind gestures so they teased us, "Yieee! Mirren ship yarn! Get it? Mina and Darren equals Mirren? Ay!"

Loud laughter and cheers escaped their lips but Richard remained glaring while standing in the corner.

After our afternoon shift, I decided to celebrate today's wins since we exceeded the right amount of sales for this month all thanks to our crew members' hard work. "Guys, let's have a drink. It's on me!"

All of them agreed, Richard seemed annoyed as Mina smiled at me - only me.

I hired a whole limo for all of us which took about 15 minutes waiting time, but it was worth it. I heard Richard sighed in annoyance as Mina and I sat together, facing him.

"Mina, are you excited?"

"Sir, this is too much, but I'm happy. I've never been in a limo before."

At the venue, we bought drinks, and I discovered Mina loved beer. Richard, noticing her getting drunk, grew concerned. "Mina, stop drinking. I'll drive you home."

"Don't worry, Richard. I'll take her home. She'll be safe."

"Don't take it personally, but Mina is my longtime friend. I'll drive her home."

"I'm her boss. I'm your boss. I'll drive her home," I said with finality.

"You don't even know where she lives."

I shrugged, realizing my oversight. Jealousy clouded my judgment; I wanted to be Mina's knight in shining armor, but I knew deep in my heart Richard deserved her more.

"Fine. Just text me when you drop her home."

"No worries. We gotta go. I'm taking Mina home. She's had enough drinks."

Mina, with a slurred voice, insisted, "I'm not drunk. I want more drinks."

Richard helped her up, walking out of the venue.

Left with other crew members, some girls flirted, but I ignored them. A pain lingered in my chest, feeling heartbroken. Thankfully, I took a "forced happiness pill," feeling its effect and enjoying the night without falling ill or dying on the spot.


The next day at work, eager to see Mina, I found her trying to sleep before our morning shift began.

"Still hungover?" I asked.

"I guess. Isn't it obvious?" she replied, looking a bit dizzy.

"Do you commute here every day?" I asked.

"Yes, I'm not rich like you. Peasants like me have to travel by jeep. But I'm not complaining," she said, still a bit disoriented.

Noticing her pretty face, I wanted to see the color of her eyes. "I'll drive you to work every day, that's an order."

She opened her eyes, revealing warm, wood-colored brown orbs. Jokingly, she said, "I'm starting to think you're courting me, sir."

Out of the blue, I asked, "Did any other guy stand out from the rest?"

Impossible Diagnosis of Heartbreaks and Falling In LoveWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu