Chapter 40

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When Tree answered the call, her voice carried a mixture of anger and concern. "Taylor, what the hell are you doing at the hospital?"

Taylor let out a deep sigh, desperately trying to find the right words to explain herself. She knew Tree wouldn't take kindly to her unexpected appearance at the hospital, but she had her reasons. "Look, Tree," she began, her voice filled with remorse, "I know I messed up, and I'm sorry, but I needed to talk to you in person. Can we meet at the hospital? It's really important."

Tree's anger didn't dissipate but turned into a low simmer as she considered Taylor's request. She couldn't deny her curiosity about why Taylor had shown up unannounced, especially in such a critical time. With a stern tone, Tree responded, "Fine, Taylor. I'll be there in fifteen minutes. You better have a damn good explanation."

Tree's heart races as she impatiently waits for Taylor in the hospital lobby. Thoughts swirl and anger still courses through her veins. What could possibly be a good enough reason for Taylor to be here? The sound of hurried footsteps approaching from behind causes her to tense up. As Taylor finally comes into view, Tree's anger momentarily fades, replaced with concern and worry.

Taylor's eyes are puffy and red, revealing that she has been crying. Her voice trembles as she approaches Tree, "I'm so sorry, Tree. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I just... I thought you needed to know."

Frustration boils inside Tree, but something in Taylor's vulnerability makes her pause. "What happened? Why are you here?" Tree demands, trying to keep her voice steady.

Taylor takes a deep breath, visibly gathering her thoughts. "It's about Elon. He... he was involved in a terrible car accident. I found out and rushed here immediately."

As the shocking news sinks in, Tree's anger dissipates entirely, replaced by a mix of fear and concern.

"What happened to him?" Tree's voice softens, concern lacing each word. "Is he going to be okay?"

Taylor's eyes fill with tears once again, and she reaches out for Tree's hand.

Tree's heart sinks as she witnesses Taylor's breakdown. It's as if the weight of the world has come crashing down on her fragile shoulders. Without a second thought, Tree pulls Taylor into a comforting embrace, her own guilt weighing heavily on her conscience.

"I'm so sorry, Taylor," Tree whispers, her voice filled with genuine remorse. "I never meant to make you feel like you had to hide your happiness. I just... I was worried about how the public would perceive it all. But I see now that I've let my own fears overshadow your well-being."

Taylor sniffles, her tears staining Tree's shoulder. "It's not your fault. We all have our reasons for what we do. But it's just so exhausting, constantly hiding how I feel, pretending that I don't care about Elon. I just want to be free to love him without judgment or consequences."

Tree's concern deepens, realizing the toll this secret relationship has taken on Taylor. She regrets not recognizing the toll it has taken on her artist's mental and emotional health sooner. "I'm so sorry. You shouldn't have to go through this alone. I'm here for you, whatever you need."

Taylor gazes into Tree's eyes, her vulnerability shining through. "I need to be honest with myself, Tree. I can't keep living a lie. I love Elon, and I want to be open about it. I understand the challenges it brings, but I can't let fear dictate my happiness anymore."

Tree's heart swells with both admiration and a sense of relief as Taylor finally vocalizes her desires. She knows a shift is needed, for both Taylor's personal well-being and the authenticity of her image. "You're right. Let's figure out how to navigate this together, as a team."

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