07. beach episode !

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It was a nice sunny day, with the crickets chirping and the sun shining bright, it was the perfect day to relax

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It was a nice sunny day, with the crickets chirping and the sun shining bright, it was the perfect day to relax. And you could go and buy yourself some ice cream, too!

So why...Why was Nendo suddenly at your front door? 

"Hey buddies, ready for the beach?" He asked, having an orca floaty in hand. He certainly looked ready. You and Kusuo however? Not so much. 

"How did you even?.." You start, wondering if Kusuo gave his address to Nendo. Maybe he was starting to warm up to the idea of having friends? 

Though the idea was quickly shot down when Nendo explained that he just saw the surname on one of the mailboxes and thought that Kusuo and you lived there. 

Looking over to your mom, she shakily points her index finger to the so called 'delinquent', a worried expression on her face. "My d-dears..Is this boy your friend?.." Kusuo sweat dropped when gazing over Kurumi, while you contemplated on it.

'He's not our friend.' Your brother simply replied. Although you begged to differ. He was a nice guy after all. "I'd consider him as one. I like it when he calls me girlie."  You smile.

"Oh dear!" Kurumi cried, holding a handkerchief in hand. "My little kids finally have a friend!" Finally?. "I'm so happy!" 

"Mom, calm down.." You try saying, helping her wipe the tears away with the cloth, having a face of concern from the sudden tears-of-joy outburst.

"Sorry girlie girl but we aren't friends." Nendo cuts her off from the crying like a snap of the finger. "What?-"

Nendo pulled you and Kusuo close, his arms over around each shoulders. You had bumped into the orca floaty from the sudden action but you didn't mind.  A shy smile you had whilst putting up sudden peace signs.

It wasn't loud, infact, the sound was as quiet as a mouse, but you swore you could hear Kusuo scoff under his breath.

 "WE'RE BEST BUDDIES!"  that caused your mother to cry once more.

"Oh dear, my dear children are actually enjoying life!" You open your mouth to speak and defend yourself from the sentence, but nothing comes out as you soon decide not to. 

She wasn't lying after all. You barely had any friends, so when Nendo suddenly hung around Kusuo and included you in, too, it was quite nice. Despite Nendo being a little annoying sometimes.

Nendo then turns to you both. "I never knew you guys had an older sister!" 

"She's not our sister.." You smile awkwardly, with Kusuo still not saying anything in response. "Oh dear, he thinks I look young enough to be Ku and (nickname)'s sister!" She exclaimed.  Still crying.

'How many times is she going to say"oh dear"?'  You asked.

'How many times is he going to make her cry?'  Kusuo also questioned. And you nod in agreement. While the conversation was going on, with Nendo being pleasantly surprised that Kurumi was actually your mother, like you tried saying, Your eyes trail down to the ground in boredom.

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