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Hello everyone 💙



This is the fourth chapter of the story. While writing it, I was emotional, and this chapter was just a glimpse of how much pain Adyasha has hidden inside her. She is truly my brave girl.
I hope you will like this chapter 🙏🏻
I used "Aisa kyu maa" song in this chapter, if u want to understand it more deeply, you can Play this song when I will mention it .
Ok, let's start this now ☺️.

Gauri: Come home first, then we'll talk.
Adyasha: okay.
Adyasha is about to end the call, but she pauses upon hearing a sudden voice and listens carefully.

(Gauri forgets to hang up the phone.)

Kirti: Gauri, my dear, I know I won't be able to endure much. Whatever illness I have, please don't tell Adyasha anything about it.

(Gauri wipes her tears and looks at Kirti) "Aunty, I know you are mentally very strong. You've seen a lot in life, and I don't want to hide anything from you. But how do I lie to Adyasha?" I can't hide it for too long.

Chaaya: Aunty, she will shatter. You are everything to her. How can she survive without you? (Chaaya leaves with tears in her eyes)

Rocco barks at her, sensing that something is not right.

Gauri: Aunty, you have pancreatic cancer, and now there is no way to cure it. You ignored all its symptoms and didn't take care of yourself. The doctor said (Gauri pauses for a moment but continues) the doctor said that...

Kirti: The doctor said that I don't have much time left. I know, dear. I'm not afraid of it. I'm just worried about my Adyasha, what will happen to her without me. I'm living for her and Ishu. What did I have for myself? But my Adyasha, .. I'm not afraid of dying; I'm just worried about what will happen to my daughter.(she said painful)

Gauri: (unable to control her emotions, hugs Kirti, and starts crying again)

Adyasha, overwhelmed by the shocking revelations on the phone call, loses focus on the road. Adyasha tightens her grip on the steering wheel, her knuckles turning white.
stunned by the shocking call, loses focus on the road. Her car speeds like a shooting star, the weight of the words louder than the night sounds.

As the speedometer rises, the conversation echoes in Adyasha's mind like a repeating drumbeat. The words, like loud thunder, drown everything else. Each replay tightens the grip of realization, blurring the line between her thoughts and the swift night.

In the distance, a big tree stands like a looming guardian, and the collision becomes inevitable. The car crashes with a loud noise, her head hitting the steering wheel and then bouncing off the window. Blood began to trickle from her head., a raw reminder of the intense moment.
In the midst of it all, a tear escapes Adyasha's eye, rolling down her cheek and mixing with the blood. The world transforms into a strange painting, and with a calm feeling, Adyasha becomes lost in the echoes and succumbs to unconsciousness .

A car was trailing behind Adyasha's car, blending in with her bodyguards dressed inconspicuously as ordinary people. Four guards swiftly emerged from their vehicle and rushed towards Adyasha's car.

Two guards worked together to assist unconscious Adyasha out of her car, while another guard promptly informed the doctor. Simultaneously, the remaining guard quickly took the driver's seat and started the car.

Guard 1: I've already contacted the doctor. Let's quickly take Mam to her penthouse.

In a synchronized effort, they guided Adyasha into the car, swiftly making their way to her penthouse.

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