Chapter 15: St. Barths

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By the time we get back from the dinner with the Riveras, my heart is pounding so fast that I think it might just burst. It's a mix of nerves and sheer awe at my own audacity. You know how I said I don't like saving important files online? This is one file too important not to. I save it on the cloud as well as on two separate hard drives that I buy in Buenos Aires. I give one to Sparky and keep one for myself.

"You seem cheerful," Sparky grumbles on the flight to St. Barths.

"I am."

"Bring some of that energy to the Rochester dinner, will you?"


When we arrive in St. Barths, it's so sunny that I think I'll go blind. I'm thankful I brought the Cartier sunglasses that Sparky bought me in Monaco.

We're staying in a beautiful villa overlooking the sea. St. Barths is prettier than anywhere else I've ever been. The beaches are sandy white, the ocean water lapping at their shores crystal clear. The sea is so blue I swear it's been dyed. Our villa is spacious and comfortable, built in a colonial Caribbean style. The walls, painted a pale sky blue, reflect most of the strong sunlight, keeping the interiors nice and cool. There's a beautiful sheltered balcony that looks down upon a private beach, generally only available to the residents of our neighbourhood (also known as the neighbourhood for vacationing billionaires). There's no explicit rule against tourists, but it's intentionally difficult to access, making it a favourite of various wealthy magnates and celebrities.

In the afternoon, I go down to the beach with a tote bag of essentials (there's very little service on this beach, so I have to bring my own sunscreen, umbrella, water, etc.) and a determination to make some friends. I know a few Arbourne people are definitely here, but most of my friends aren't. Even in rich-people-land, you can't always be in the same place. I saw where they all are on social media though. Manon posted a picture of her watching The Nutcracker in Paris. Seung-jun is still suffering tragically through dinners with other chaebols. Cahyono is learning how to pole dance. The usual.

I collapse on the sand, splaying out on it and feeling the warmth of it beneath my arms and legs. I'm wearing a new bikini that I bought on a whim in Argentina. It's sunflower-yellow with puffy, off-the-shoulder sleeves and a relatively modest skirt bottom. There are little blue flowers stitched onto it.

I just lay there for a while, my eyes closed, soaking in the sounds of crashing waves and the squawking of seabirds. Then I hear footsteps. A shadow passes over me and what sounds like an umbrella is stabbed viciously into the sand. Someone sits down beside me. I open my eyes and look over.

Of course Noelise would wear a leather jacket to the beach. She's in her full alt getup with fully done eyeliner, cargo pants with too many pockets to count, a full-on black turtleneck with the leather jacket over it, and a baseball cap over her braids to top it all off. She sits in the shade, her earbuds in.

"Really," I say, propping myself up. "You wear that to the beach."

Noelise takes out one earbud. "What'd you say?"

"Nothing," I sigh, slumping back onto the sand. "What are you listening to?"

"True crime. Wanna listen?"

Why the hell not? "Sure," I say, taking the earbud. It seems like the closest thing to a peace offering with Noelise.

This episode is about some guy who pulled off an art heist with his daughter. Honestly, Noelise's true crime is a bit tame compared to my expectations, like Seung-jun said. "I didn't know this was your taste in true crime."

"I like unsolved true crime. Lots of serial murderers get solved right away."

I shrug, settling back into the sand. "Suit yourself."

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