17. View From The Top

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Taking matters into our own hands

[Ben POV]

"Goodbye Jurassic World" Darius says.

The raft floats on the water.

Then I see Bumpy and Sunbeam come running to the dock. They cry sadly

Beside me, a tear drips from Y/N's cheek. I know exactly how she feels

Goodbye Bumpy

Y/N puts a hand on my shoulder and smiles sadly. "They'll be fine. They'll take care of each other."

I nod forlornly

Kenji laughs loudly.

"See ya never, stupid Dino Island! You thought you could eat us? No way! You thought you could stomp on us? Think again!"

Sammy joins in. "Yeah! You thought you could crush our spirits? Impossible!"

"Yeah!" Kenji gives Sammy a high five.

"To be fair the island did crush my spirit" I admit. "But then we defeated Toro"

Yasmina groans. "Not again"

"Well Y/N likes when I tell it."

She laughs. "I do not!"

The raft rocks heavily. I think a big wave hit it.

Y/N trips and falls. I reach out to catch her but Caleb does it first

"Thanks Caleb" she smiles shyly.

I feel myself frowning.

"Uh guys?"

We all turn around and see a tidal wave approaching.

"Secure the vines!"


"I don't know! Pull on them?"

"You said you had raft experience!"

"I said some raft experience! Some!"

"Oh! So only some of us will die!"

"The wind's strong! We can just power through!"

The wave crashes on us as we all scream in fear.


We all walk back to camp, dripping wet.

"Bumpy?!" I call. "Bumpy we're back!"

"Sunbeam! We're here girl!"

Behind us, Bumpy and Sunbeam tackle us to the ground and start scolding us.

"Aw! We missed you both too!" Y/N chuckles

"Circle up guys! Camp meeting!" Darius calls to us all.

"Huh. Another one?" Kenji climbs up the slide backwards, making Y/N giggle

"Don't worry. We'll be right back" I say.

Y/N and I climb up the ladder and into the treehouse the others made.

"Okay. On the plus side, still no Compies at camp, so that's good. On the minus side... raft escape number one was..."



"Didn't work."

"It wasn't a total disaster." Darius tries to console us.

"Uh, we lost the raft and almost drowned. How is that not a disaster?"

"We didn't get eaten by dinosaurs?"

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