Chapter one - more test subjects!

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(If you didn't read the description).

Y/n L/n is a young scientist (without a license) who lives on the outskirts of Izee, Oregon. He loves doing experiments using the genes of other animals and injecting them into humans to see what would happen. most of his experiments were failures. but his one success was when he injected himself with the DNA of a crow. he started growing black feathers and talons on his arms and legs and got the sight of a crow he was even able to talk with birds. He wasn't able to fly, though. One day, when he was supposed to experiment on one of his prisoners, he saw him escaping into the forest. Y/n followed him into the forest...
(Btw if you want to listen to music through this that fits well to Y/n as if it was his theme, I think that.
"Containment-incredibox aftermath mix" by Yeetman or "Iron Lung (instrumental)" by Musiclide-topic would fit well.)
○"Person speaking from their pov"○
(*narrator speaking*)
○Y/n's POV○

I ran after my test subject, ○"Get back here! Now!"○. (If he gets away, this whole operation will be ruined!) ○"If you turn back now, I will reward you!"○ (shit! A fog is appearing!) ○"A fog is appearing, and you know that I see better than you! So you'd better turn back now!"○ (The fog is getting thicker. It's getting hard to see, even for me...) "Aah! shit!" (Shit! Something has grabbed him!) ○"Fucking hell!"○ (shit! shit! Something is pulling me down into the fucking ground too!) ○"Oh sh-"○

(*You get knocked out, but almost immediately wake up back at your laboratory (the entity's name for it being 'the crow's nest'), but it is surrounded by huge walls with two big gates on opposite sides of each other.*)

(Huh? Where am I? W-why can't I speak? Why are there weird red blurs in my vision)
"Look up, darling!" *I look up and see a crow on a wall.* "You're here to kill a few people by putting them on hooks! But don't experiment on them, not until I know that I can trust you." (What, sure, I guess? I can't really answer.) "You don't need to, I can read your mind whenever you're addressing me. I'm called Entity, by the way. " (okay).

(Wait, who am I supposed to kill?) "There are four survivors. They have to try and escape by fixing generators and opening the big gates or through a hatch that will appear randomly around this place." (OK, thank you for that information!) "No problem, y/n. By the way, I'll only let you talk with the survivors when I see fit, okay?"

(*the crow then landed on your shoulder*)

"By the way, call me En. It's short for Entity, go towards the lights."
(Okay, I will En. Well, I guess I better get going.)

(*You start walking toward a light, and you hear two voices talking, one female and one male, and start stalking them.*)

"This new map is so weird, Dwight. What do you think?" "I guess so, Claudette. I hope that it's only a new map and not another kill-" *I slash Dwight with my talons.* "AAAAAAAHHHH! JESUS!" "Shit! Dwight run!" ○"Oh funny~ how your bad luck shows~,"○

(*they run into your lab, and you run in with them, Dwight goes into a room while Claudette goes into the basement. You decide to run after Dwight. In the room were two lockers.*)

(Where could he be? Eeny, meeny, miny, right!)

(*You open the locker and see Dwight inside.*)

"Please, do-" *I pick him up over my shoulder and start walking towards a hook that I saw earlier.* "No, no! Please put me down!"

(*he starts wriggling, trying to unlatch himself from your grip, but you are able to get to the hook before he is able to.*)

*I put him on the hook* "AAAAAAAGGGHHHH! AAAAAAAHHHH! AAAHHH! JESUS CHRIST!" (Okay. Good. I did it.)

Homo Corvidae - killer Male reader x Dead by daylightWhere stories live. Discover now