Chapter 1 - Part 1

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Hello. I am Author Ceren Oktay, the writer of "Boss - You Are My Only Love, Savior Series 1 - Bloody Nights, and Savior Series 2 - Desdanje novels." The first part of my fiction called Dangerous Lands is here. I am looking forward to your valuable comments.

Please write the date and time you started reading.

Note : Translated from its Turkish original to English by Hilal A. Thank you so much Hilal. Hilal's Instagram Profile : birkitolog


As she walked through the school corridors after all of her classes had finished, Lily's ears were filled with the cheerful voices of the students. They were acting as if everything was fine in their worlds, which was incredibly annoying. She scrunched her face, trying to suppress the nausea that welled up inside her.

Unfortunately, today wasn't much different from the other days. It felt like this place was a prison where criminals were locked up. Thinking like this was quite normal. After all, what she's been through wasn't easy.

"I hate being here! I hate being here! I hate being here!" she muttered angrily, struggling to keep walking.

Finally, as she stepped into the schoolyard, she gripped her bag tighter and tried to ignore the students' voices. Her steps were quick, eager to leave this place as soon as possible.

After about half an hour of walking, seeing her home at last brought a small smile to her tired face. She couldn't wait to open the door and step inside.

After taking a deep breath, she climbed the stairs leading to the door of her home and reached into the pocket of her pants with her right hand. As her fingers slid deeper, she felt the key falling into the palm of her hand. Finally, she passionately seized the key as if she had won her desired victory. In fact, this moment felt even beyond victory. It was as if she had found a treasure she had been searching for. This thought brought a slight smile to her face. After taking the key out of her pocket, she held it tightly.

She began to feel as if she were amid a magical ritual. She loved to daydream every moment and every second. After taking the key grasped by her fingers out of her pocket, she continued to daydream as she moved to open the door. When she stepped inside by pushing open the iron gate leading to the safe haven in front of her, the warm arms of this safe haven enveloped Lily. Her fragile soul felt peace in this imagined, safe place. She took a deep breath.

She didn't allow herself to be further distracted. After closing the door of the safe area firmly behind her, she looked around. She carefully scanned the area to see if anyone was there. In this age, innocence was lost. She felt the cold breath of danger on her neck with every step. Therefore, she didn't trust anyone.

The depth of the silence that emerged after the door closed enveloped her entire being. After taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and opened them again. No one was following her. After all, she was dreaming, playing games in her imaginary world, and she could act as she pleased in the world she had created for herself.

After taking another deep breath, she let go of the breath she had taken. Then she realized that she needed to leave her daydream behind. Because there was no one at home.

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