Chapter 1: Knighting Ceremony

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"A long, long time ago, a kingdom lived in peace...believing they had nothing to fear. But lurking in the shadows was a great and terrible evil. The monster attacked without warning, laying waste to everything and everyone in its path."

"But in that darkest hour, a hero rose up. Her name was Gloreth. Gloreth vowed that her people would never be vulnerable again. So she trained an elite force of knights and decreed that their descendants would protect the kingdom for generations to come."

"But if you want a happily ever can never let your guard down. Because the monsters are always out there."


1000 Years Later...

A big and bustling city surrounded by a large concrete wall stood bright with dozens of billboards and screens advertising different products, and several flying vehicles whizzing through the sky while hundreds of citizens walked below.

They all seemed to be heading to a giant stadium to view a very important event taking place.

Standing in the center of the city was a huge stone statue of Gloreth, extending a golden sword in front of her.

Just outside the stadium two reporters, a man and a woman, stood by the crowd covering the event.

"Good evening! We are coming to you live from the Glorodome. I'm Nate Knight." The man introduced.

"I'm Alamzapam Davis." The woman added.

"And tonight's the night we knight the knights. Ain't that right, Pam?"

"It sure is Nate. But this is also the most controversial knighting ceremony in a thousand years." Pam announced.

"You can feel the excitement and the tension." Nate commented. "Because tonight, tradition will be cast aside, and the kingdom will change forever because of one man."

"Ballister. The street kid with the impossible dream of being a knight."

On the screens around the kingdom, a video played of a young boy hopping over the fence into a courtyard where young soldiers were training by fighting against fake monsters. The boy tackled one of the dummies and stabbed it with a wooden sword, ripping its head off.

The boy held it up. "I'm here to slay monsters and defend our kingdom." He declared right before he was tackled by security.

"Impossible, that is until the Queen herself made a shocking decision."

Another clip played of Ballister being handed a sword while standing next to the Queen.

"No, he doesn't come from a noble bloodline but he just might have the heart of a hero." The Queen said.

"And Ballister made most of that chance, graduating top of his institute class. A class that includes none other than..."

"Ambrosius Goldenloin!" Nate exclaimed. "Direct descendant of Gloreth herself, and the most anticipated knight of a generation. And not far behind him is his younger sister (Y/n) Goldenloin, who will be due to become a knight in the years to come."

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