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Y/N'S POV ::

Taehyung told me that he won't be home for the night but I found him sleeping beside me, on the other side of the bed the next morning. I was awestruck to think that he brought me back to the bedroom because I clearly remember dozing off in the kitchen itself.

The whole scene from last night flashed before my eyes like a movie as I kept staring at Taehyung who was sleeping. Usually, it's him who wakes up before me because I tend to sleep a lot when my mind isn't at peace but today I woke up early instead. The words ring in my brain, working like needles that pierced through my skin.

"It's a known fact that you're my wife. Whether you like it or not, you are Kim Taehyung's wife and so long as I'm alive, no one is allowed to insult you. Not even your mother."

"And no matter how annoying you find this, you will always find me standing by your side. Fighting with you might be my hobby but fighting for you is my job, whether you like it or not. I don't give a fuck."

I suddenly feel the voices in my brain turning slower at the reminder of his words. They don't work like needles but it's like the softest thing that has managed to sit over my heart. My stomach flips at the memory of his intense eyes, the grip on the car door, his expressions, his voice and the sincerity that dipped with his words like a silk.

Letting out a sigh, I force myself to tear my eyes away from the man and slip out from the bed. I do my morning routine and walk downstairs to make coffee. Sarah is already in the kitchen, making breakfast as she passes me a wide smile with her usual morning greeting. "I'm surprised to see you awake, before Mr Kim." She stated as I let out a hum and movies moved to the coffee machine.

"He missed his morning run and workout." Sarah muttered while shaking her head. "He probably got home late." I stated. Taehyung went to his parent's place. Hye-young called me and informed me about him. She even asked me about my dinner and all. Honestly, I was thankful for her call, it helped me divert my mind from so many things.

I was lost in my brain again when someone waltzed into my space and pushed my hand aside from the coffee machine. "What the hell are you doing?" I looked up at Taehyung and blinked my eyes , realizing that the coffee mug was full and the warm liquid was spilling out. Had he not come in time then I would've gotten it all over my hand. "I didn't realize that it was already full." I stated while he let out a groan and brushed a hand through his hair.

My eyes landed on adhesive bandages over his knuckles. "What's wrong with your hand?" I questioned. He looked at his hand then turned to me. "Nothing." Taehyung hummed and before I could say something, he moved past me towards the refrigerator. I didn't pry further about his injury and let it slide. The breakfast was filled with silence today.

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