°˖✧˚ ♡ʚ thirty-two ɞ♡˚✧˖°.

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The break room was filled with the sounds of arrogant whispers, as if the nurses were speaking louder than they actually were

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The break room was filled with the sounds of arrogant whispers, as if the nurses were speaking louder than they actually were. The tension in the air was palpable, and you felt all of the glares directed at you. You were standing alone, and the sensation of being the center of attention was overwhelming. It felt as if your body wasn't your own, a feeling of disassociation that left you feeling uncomfortable.

The crowd of people murmured and pointed at you, and the sound of their voices echoed in your ears like the buzzing of a hive of bees. You felt their eyes following you as you walked, and you tried to make your body language appear more confident and dominating. You kept your head high and stared directly at anyone who dared to meet your gaze, hoping to intimidate them into silence. The experience was exhausting, but you refused to let them see you crumble.

Luckily enough your assignment for today doesn't require any extensive interaction with your coworkers. Instead, your main task is to check up on the inmates' health conditions. You feel a sense of relief wash over you, knowing that you'll be able to do your job without having to deal with any unnecessary drama or conflict.

You take a deep breath and review the list of names on the page, none of them capturing your attention until you spot the name "Hajime Kokonoi". Your eyes light up, and you can't help but grin. This was the jackpot you had been searching for.

From your memory, your last interaction with Bonten was when you slapped the Haitani and when he'd seen the cops drag you away. As a result, they probably assumed you'd never come back. You can't help but wonder what his reaction would be when he heard the news that you were back. But that was not your concern at the moment. All you can focus on is getting your hands on the map of this prison, as it could be the key to their escape.

Despite the uncertainty and doubts that plague your mind, you know that you can't afford to dwell on them. Helping Bonten with his escape is a difficult task, but you remain focused and determined. You remind yourself how you were easily a topic for gossip and how everyone had dropped you, and those memories still stung. You feel a ripple of unease travel down your spine as you become aware of the way some people are looking at you. Do you really deserve to live like this? The uncertainty and doubts threaten to overwhelm you, but you take a deep breath and push them aside. You won't let them distract you from your goal. You won't let them win.

The atmosphere is dismal, with dark and gloomy decor. Your footsteps seem to create a haunting echo as you navigate through the corridors, your every move accompanied by the sound of creaking metal.

You reach a large black metallic door, and the guards step aside, allowing you to enter. You feel a thrill coursing through your body, your spine arched, shoulders squared, and chin lifted. The sound of the door closing behind you resonates in your ears.

As you step inside, you are struck by the sudden silence, as if the entire place were holding its breath. You click your pen, ready to greet the figure sitting across from you. In an instant, you're filled with a strange sense of anticipation, not knowing what to expect.

White hair, cat eyes, perfect posture.

You approach the figure sitting at the other side of the table, holding the paper with his name. "Hajime Kokonoi?" you ask, double checking the name on the paper.

He beams at you, his head slightly tilting to one side, "The one and only." he says, his voice low and deep.

As you make your way towards him, you can't help but notice his commanding presence. The room seems to revolve around him, his elegant figure dominating the space with ease. Despite being held prisoner, he smells of expensive designer perfume, filling the air with a sweet, yet distinctive scent.

"And I suppose you are. . . Y/n?" He questions, you nod at his words.

"I assume it is best not to make you angry," he says, a hint of amusement in his tone. "Or am I gonna get slapped too?" He smirks, and you can't help but smile in response.

You reply confidently, "Or perhaps even worse, who knows?"

He chuckles, his voice low and captivating, "Oh my, you are a feisty one, aren't you?" The tension between you builds, the air in the room crackling with anticipation.

His words send a jolt through your body - something about his tone, the way his voice curls around each word, is both seductive and commanding. You feel a new surge of excitement rush through your veins, your cheeks heating up with a gentle blush.

"But If you don't mind me asking, Y/n?"

His voice, as smooth as silk, floats through the room,Every syllable is laced with intent, as if he is trying to coax you into a trap. You stare at him, trying to find an escape, but you can't help but feel his eyes piercing through you.

He speaks again, his words cutting through the silence, "How did you come back to your work, Y/n?" There is a hint of curiosity in his eyes, but his voice remains steady. You can't help but feel a sense of unease building within you, as if he knows something that you don't.

He continues, "Didn't you hit her 'highness'?" There is a hint of disapproval in his voice. "Her father is pretty much a papa bear, and you wouldn't want to cross him." There is a hint of sympathy in his eyes, but you know that he is too dangerous to trust.

"Unless... You've gotten someone of power to help you," He leans in closer, his eyes piercing into yours. "Who do you work for, Y/n?"

Smart man.

You ask a little embarrassed, "Was I too obvious?"

He chuckles, his voice rich and melodic. "Yes, a little bit," he replies, his eyes glinting in amusement.

"It's someone you know," you clarify, your tone somewhat defensive. His brow rises at your response, and you can't help but grin sheepishly. "Old and smokes a lot, too," you confess.

"Rusty Takeomi?" he asks, a hint of recognition in his tone. You take a deep breath, trying to slow your racing heart. "Yeah," you respond, slightly wary.

The two of you share a brief moment of shared understanding, as if you are part of the same joke. The tension in the room dissipates, and laughter fills the air as you both almost burst out laughing. His eyes twinkle with a hint of mischief, and you can't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with him, despite your earlier hesitation.

The room is silent as he takes a moment to compose himself. The tension is palpable, and your heart pounds in your chest. You lean forward, eager to hear what he has to say.

"Good to know you'll be of help for our escape," he says, his voice low but filled with excitement. You smile, wondering what he'll say next.

He pauses, as if trying to find the right words. "And two good news for Sanzu," he says, his tone serious. You sit up straight, prepared for anything.

He takes a deep breath, "Do you know this man has been threatening to slit his own throat?" You gasp in shock, putting your hand over your mouth.

"Oh my," you say, your voice tinged with concern. "And yet he has done so much worse, so it isn't really surprising."

He nods, a hint of sadness in his eyes. "Anyway, I'm glad I met you, ma'am." He says, his voice gentle. You're taken aback by the sudden change in tone. As you look in his direction, you notice the glint in his eye and realize that this is the moment he's been waiting for. Your whole body breaks into a sweat as he speaks, your knees weak. You can feel his lips on your hand, and it is all you can do not to swoon. You manage to hold your composure, but it's a struggle. Your mind races with the thought that you have to remain strong and focused, even in the midst of this intimate moment.

He seems to notice your sudden nervousness, as you stumble upon your words, his grin seems to widen, and he leans in closer to you.

"Don't worry, Y/n. I won't bite."


hi, sorry please do no hit me at least I am back 😓

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