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I took two days off from the convenience store where I worked the night shift. All my attention was focused on the upcoming meeting that I had with King. I want to be the best and not take any chances.

The entire management team is working hard for another meeting with King in a week. It is too much tension for our innocent brains. One month with no meeting with him, now feels like bliss.

Today is the day of the meeting. Okay, I am nervous but I know I have prepared well. I am confident. Mr Richardson guided me throughout the preparations while my friends motivated me. I am ready, come what may.

It was a Deja Vu feeling, same room, dim lights, glowing projector, the only difference was that I had swapped places with my boss. King entered the room, punctual as always. He was followed by his assistant and 3 men. Thank god this time his assistant is not bathed in that sickening Lavender scent of hers.

My eyes landed on my boss who gave me a thumbs up, showing his support and best wishes. Then my eyes clashed with King's. After a minute of battle, where no one was ready to back out, I began the meeting.

It went even better than I expected. I was confident, fluent and on point. Everyone was satisfied, no questions were asked by anyone except for one man.

Yes, you guessed it right, King. He tried very hard to confuse me but my facts were clear. He asked a total of seven questions. When he was done, he gave me a nod and whispered 'good work' before he left the conference room.


King complimented me. Is it a dream? After King left, I was bouncing on my toes. Mr Richardson patted my shoulder and congratulated me.

My friends asked me to give them a celebration party, though I can't afford it because I have a debt to pay off, which wasn't even taken by me. I treated them to the pizza. It wasn't a grand treat but they still appreciated it and were happy as always.

I am blessed to have Sarah and Orry. They make me feel what I missed in the past years. The rest of the day passed in delight.

Now I was super tired but I have a few more hours to work. Office is done and I again skipped the dinner to reach the convenience store on time.

It seemed like a long day before I could jump on the sofa at my home and relax for a few hours.


I was proud, I knew my sister was smart even when she was a baby, but today she amazed me in the conference room. Her confidence, that way she talked and walked, she was a born leader.
I had read in her resume that she hasn't even completed her graduation yet. This level of maturity at such a young age is amazing.

Before the presentation, when she looked straight into my eyes, I knew that girl was not scared of my cold exterior. I knew she won't take bullshit from anyone.
I still wanted to test her so I asked her questions, that would have surely confused anyone who had even a little doubt in their preparation or facts but seeing her answering everything with such clarity spiked my confidence in her.

I don't compliment my employees unless they do or achieve something out of this world. But though we have our differences, I will always be a little biased towards her. I saw her for the first time in 13 years but still, she would always be my angel.

The rest of the day passed in a wink from one meeting to another. Today I was in a good mood, I didn't even shout at any employee, let alone fire them.

After leaving the office, I spotted a convenience store on my way home. I wanted to buy an ice cream to celebrate Ava's achievement. When she was younger and aced her exams, we always celebrated by eating chocolate ice cream together.

I parked my car outside the store. I wore a mask to avoid any encounter with paps. I always prefer to keep my life private and avoid paparazzi at the best.

I went inside and picked a tub of chocolate ice cream. I went to the counter to pay for it.

Avaline was there. Not buying stuff but on the other side. Why is she working here when she has a stable job at King's?
Thankfully I was wearing a mask. I quickly paid for the ice cream and quickly left the store. I didn't say a word the entire time.

I sat outside the store in the car and waited for her. It was already 10. Till how long does she work here, doing the night shift is not safe. It feels so wrong, while I am playing in Billions, my sister is working two jobs. I know her workload at King's is no joke, how she manages everything. How Mom allows her to work this late?

Around 11.30, she left the store and what the fuck, she was going home on foot at this hour. When she was a few meters ahead, I slowly exited the car and followed her maintaining a careful distance between us. After about almost a mile of walking she went inside a building. This is a creepy and shady part of the city. Her building looks in dire condition like it will fall apart any moment.

I stayed for some minutes below her building before I went back to my car.

I wasn't able to sleep the entire night, after looking at her struggling. I am feeling restless as the pictures of yesterday, aren't leaving my brain. I am sitting in my office at 6. Apart from guards, no one else was there. I tried to go through some documents but wasn't able to concentrate. I read the same page thrice but didn't understand any word. I kept the file aside, I know I have to do something today only. I can't let my angel struggle but I also don't want to reveal my identity now.

I fetched her resume, I asked HR to send me a copy a few days back. I went through it and noticed, that her work experience is filled with numerous odd jobs. On her employment form, she has left the family details part blank. Why didn't she mention about mother? I had many questions, and with time I'll get all my answers from her only but first I have to make things right.

Going through her resume, I had an idea, of what I wanna do. I made the necessary arrangements and personally got the paperwork ready.

Miss Avaline Knight is in for a great surprise today. Finally feeling accomplished, I took out the ice cream tub that I bought yesterday from the fridge in my office. Now I happily devoured it before going to the couch in my office and slept there for an hour. I was finally at peace.

🌿🌸Author's Time🌸🌿

QOTD: Which is you favorite season.

Mine is Winters ❄️

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