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When I reached the office today, I was welcomed with the envelope on my table. I opened it and was shocked after reading the content of the papers inside.

I took the papers and went to Mr Richardson's cabin.
" Sir, what is the meaning of all this?"

"Avaline, it means exactly what it says." He said.

"But why me, sir? I was happy working my job here."

"Avaline, go and see King first. He asked for you. Maybe talk to him because I don't want to lose such a hardworking assistant."

"I don't even know where his office is." I groaned.

"Top floor, the receptionist there will guide you the rest, don't worry he will be expecting you."

Worry is something I have known for my entire life. Worrying for the money and for arranging two meals in a day. But those worries seem easy now after my first meeting with King. That man worries me in different dimensions. This would be my third meeting with him while I am still cursing our first one.

Having no other option, I went in the elevator to the 25th floor. The ambience of the top floor was so quiet and formal. Authoritarian vibes could be felt from afar. The receptionist again like most of the staff here is professionally dressed with a great sense of fashion. She gave me a once-over before asking my reason for the visit. I told her that King was expecting me, she talked with him on the phone and finally directed me to his office.

I knocked and entered his office. It was a beautiful office with a black theme. Though the office was dark it was very generously lit. The Sunlight from the floor-to-ceiling window added to the charm of the room. The window looked over the entire city and the view was mesmerizing. King was sitting on the massive chair behind the table that dominated the room.
He had a few potted plants which added contrast and freshness to the overall appeal. I don't think, he would have this great sense of design but I agree he paid well to his interior designer.

 I don't think, he would have this great sense of design but I agree he paid well to his interior designer

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As I was done looking around and admiring his office, my eyes landed on him. He was already looking at me.
"Here to claim your new position Av- Miss Knight."

"I am here because you asked for me. And about the new position, I applied for the position of the manager's assistant and I would wish to keep working as that." I said in a no-nonsense tone. I don't know where this confidence is coming from, I just hope I don't have to regret it later.

"Then take this as your promotion Miss Assistant of manager. Congratulations now you will be Miss Assistant of the CEO." He said, his eyes glinting with humour.

"And if I deny this promotion," I asked.

"You may, but I would suggest you first read the details of the document I provided you with. Weigh your options and then decide. If it's a yes, I'll see you on Monday at 9. You may leave." He dismissed me and got back to work.

I left his office and went back to the 17th floor. I resumed my work and kept the envelope aside. I will go through the documents during the lunch.

So I didn't go with Sarah and Orry for lunch and sat in my office to go through the documents as King suggested.

Now I know why he insisted that I should go through these first. No one in sane mind would decline this promotion. He was offering me twice the salary I am earning now, with a bonus as well. He would provide me with a chauffeur-driven car and a few other perks.

After the working hours were over, Sarah, Orry and I went to a restaurant to celebrate my last day working with them. What can I say, I am not insane to decline extra income. Tonight I'll also quit at the convenience store, the salary would be enough to pay off the debts and with greater income comes greater responsibility. Moreover, I want to prove my friends wrong and take a party from them.
Orry said

"Sweetheart, if you are still a part of King's next month, dinner will be on me as a celebration of you breaking the record of all the King's assistants."

"Challenge accepted," I said with confidence and flipped my hair over the shoulder.

After dinner, I went to the convenience store and worked my last shift over there. I collected the cheque and went back home.

Tomorrow is Sunday and I'll complete all my pending notes before starting my most unpredictable job from tomorrow. God knows what working for King be like. I am scared and nervous because it's true that none of his previous assistants had lasted longer than a few weeks.


I am content today because I am sure that Ava will accept the position I have offered her. The salary should be enough so that she can quit her job at that convenience store. I'll provide her with a car as well. The chauffeur she is provided with is actually, a bodyguard that I have hired for her safety. Can't wait for Monday to come. I am really excited to work with my princess. She is no longer the shy girl she was when we were young. Now she is a strong and confident lady. I am proud of her and can't wait to know more about her and her life in those 13 years.
Though I was upset that she left me when she did, now when I saw her after so many years, I couldn't remember the reasons to hold a grudge.

For me, she is still a little angel that God has sent to me as a birthday gift. Most cherished gift ever. I often think how different my life would have been if my parents were still together, if Mr and were still together. I don't know what she went through but I know life wasn't a bed of roses for her. I'll try my best to make it a little better for her from now on. As her boss, I can't be lenient but I also can't overlook the fact that I am her brother before a boss. Being a cold-hearted boss was easy but now being a boss while keeping my identity as a brother hidden, will be tricky.

I always felt incomplete, like something was missing so I started my company to keep myself busy. When I signed the first contract I felt a temporary kick. I thought I could overcome the emptiness within me so I drowned myself in the business. Deals after deals but I realised it's not helping. After years when I first saw Ava, the empty spot on my heart was filled. Though we were still strangers, seeing her in front of my eyes was my definition of peace. I will make things right with her but first I want to get to know her. Good things are coming soon.

It's ten o'clock and I am waiting in my car outside the convenience store for Ava to end her shift. Once she was done, I followed her to her home. When I was sure that she was safely inside, I happily left for my place. On my way, I called Neil to reconfirm our plans for trekking tomorrow.

🌿🌸Author's Time🌸🌿

QOTD: Beach or Mountain.

I am a beach person but also love the view from the top of the mountains.

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