Author note

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Before we get started let me get one thing straight , I'm not a good writer my grammar sucks and my sentences may not make sense but I'm trying okay. You don't like my story simply stop reading if you have any advice go ahead and give it to me. I can learn a few things. 

Right now i am starting this story as I'm 18 have no job even though I'm looking for one so i will be updating either daily or every two days depends but if I so happen to get a job then it may take a while to post then but if that happens i'll let you know. 

If my writing or anything feels like middle school writing just know 7th grade was the grade I left off before my parents pulled from school as we were moving and what was supposed to be temporary turned out to be almost 6 years later as I'm almost 19. Yes I was 13 when I last went to school. So I decided after years since I may have gotten a little lazy in the beginning and when at 16/17 I started to try but my dogs died so I got depressed and now a year later I am trying again as  I need to learn some new things to get a job. But yea I'm learning along the way so be patient with me alright. 

  I don't know exactly how many chapters or how long this story will be, we will all figure it out together , I know most authors have the outline and all ready but I find doing all that hard as I don't know what I'm doing so I'm just gonna write it and in the end we'll see if its bad or not. 

Any way thank you for reading this if you read it through. Good luck reading.Also they might be some triggers I don't know what type of triggers yet but I know for a fact there will be some I'll try and put it on top of chapter or before a paragraph before it starts.......... If I remember too..

But main one will be mention death of a loved one

second a lot of death and torture mentioned 

curse words will be mentions not just one or two I mean a lot like a lot I speak with a lot of course words in my sentences in English and Spanish so I'm gonna make the character like me as I'm gonna be writing it as I'm living through it. But everything is fake nothing is real in this story. Timeline and other things may not make sense I'll fix it when I can.

Ill add more triggers when I get to those chapters.

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