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Hey everyone! 😊

I'm back with a new chapter.
We've hit our target, and I'm excited for what's next.
Get ready because the story is about to take some interesting twists in the upcoming chapters. Some pasts are going to be revealed soon.
Stay tuned! 📖✨

Let's enjoy this chapter for now.!! 💖
As Adyasha entered her home in the evening, she was caught off guard by an unexpected hug. Reacting instinctively, she pushed the person away, causing him to stumble and land on the floor.

Raghav: "Ouch! Adyasha pgl insaan (crazy human), what's wrong with you?"

Adyasha, surprised yet relieved to see him, responded, "You! When did you arrive? Did you expect me to react differently to a sudden hug?"

Raghav picked himself up from the floor and approached Adyasha, attempting to hug her again with a bored voice, "hufff, I missed you, honey."

Rolling her eyes, Adyasha hugged him back, retorting, "But I didn't miss you at all, honey."

Raghav, feigning hurt, remarked, "Ouch, that hurts more than the fall." He then lazily made his way to the couch and sat down.

Raghav: "Seriously, if you don't miss me, what will become of me? Anyway, enough,  serious talk now. What's wrong with your mom?"

Adyasha's expression turned blank as she sat beside him in silence for a moment before finally speaking, "Maa didn't tell you?"

Raghav: "No, Gauri too didn't tell me anything that creature 😮‍💨...but aunty ,,she talked to me for a while, then she had dinner and took her medication and went to sleep. Your  Rocco also dozed off. I've been waiting for you since then, I know only my honey will give me attention 'he looked at her with shining eyes like shinchan'.

As Adyasha's mind drifted back to the conversation with Gauri, the words echoed in her ears like a haunting melody.
((Gauri: "Aunty, you have pancreatic cancer, and now there is no way to cure it. You ignored all its symptoms and didn't take care of yourself. The doctor said..."))

She took a deep breath, her heart sinking with each passing moment, and she turns to him and  before she could speak , he enveloped her in a comforting hug, his warmth offering solace amidst the turmoil. Adyasha's mind snapped back to the present, and she instinctively returned the embrace, finding a sense of refuge in Raghav's presence. Though she typically shied away from physical affection, Raghav's embrace brought a sense of familiarity and comfort, reminiscent of the mischievous spirit of her brother, Ishan.

Adyasha: "Why do you keep hugging me? Did you hit your head at the office in anger or something?"

Raghav withdrew from the hug, his expression a mixture of concern and disbelief as he looked at Adyasha. "Enough with the nonsense. You're like my own child, okay? I may not have officially adopted you, but you are my best friend. I know back in college, you hardly ever shared anything, but I always respected your boundaries. Remember how I always kept a first-aid kit, chocolates, and extra class notes in my bag for you? You never told me about that jerk who used to bother you, or how you always ended up injured. But I just wanted to be there for you because you're my freaking best buddy, and I'll always have your back. You may not have opened up in the past, but at least tell me about your mom now."

Adyasha shook her head and looked down.
Adyasha: "Maa  has pancreatic cancer, and her condition is deteriorating every day, Raghav ....I know she's hiding it from me, and the doctor said..."

She stopped speaking, blinking back tears as she struggled to maintain her composure but soon got her emotions controlled.

Raghav understood everything without a word, gently taking her hands in his and meeting her eyes. "Adyasha, don't lose hope. We'll find a solution together. You're not alone in this," he reassured her, his voice steady and comforting. "I was caught up with work, but you didn't even reach out to me once. But it's in the past now. Let's focus on being strong. We won't let anything happen to aunty."

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