Chapter 2: Her

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I suddenly woke up to the rusting sound of turning pages. The musty scent of old books assaulting my senses. Blinking groggily, I found myself face to face with a pair of piercing light blue eyes that left me momentarily speechless. Not only blue eyes but also framed by a dimpled smile and a physique that spoke of strength and athleticism. It felt as though a character from one of my romance novels had sprung to life before me. Was a sports romance coming to life before me or what?  I couldn't help but wonder if I was still dreaming.

"Hi there," the mysterious stranger greeted me, his voice confident and assured. "I thought you would have never woken up." He was definitely a face I knew. At least, it felt like I knew him. Somehow. Maybe I was right one of those book boyfriends of mine came to life. This had to be some silly joke. He had to be an athlete; he had the arrogance of one, his tone and voice suggested that to me. "I have been reading this research you were working on, I hope you don't mind, but it's impressive. You should keep going."

His words left me stunned. Here was this handsome stranger, discussing my work as if he had known me for years, yet I couldn't recall ever meeting him before. And to add to the surreal nature of the situation, I realized I was still seated in the same corner of the library where I had apparently dozed off, evident from the drool on the side of my mouth and the dampness on the desk.

"We have to go. The library will be closing in ten minutes" I started grabbing all my belongings and was rushing outside when I noticed that the boy was still sitting down and just staring at me.

"What?" I asked confused and already in panic. 

Night At The Library (Lost Souls #1)Where stories live. Discover now