Chapter 6: Her

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"Well, since we are stuck in this place till morning, we should definitely learn each other's names so at least we would know each other killers when they find us in the morning," I decided to play along with his game. Maybe make him feel like an idiot, just like he was surely thinking he was succeeding in.

"Maybe it can add to the mystery!" he said hopeful, he then saw my hurt expression and he said smiling "Fine." His smile was the one you'd see in magazines, the ones where a smile model would die for, a bright white teeth smile. "I am Will, nice to meet you, Julie!" He said, reaching to shake my hand. I froze halfway. I was baffled.

How did he know my name? Did we know each other? Did I do something for somebody like him to notice me? He should have read my thoughts in my face, because he said "Relax, I was reading your paper I just thought it was appropriate to know whose brilliant work I was reading. "I turned red but tried to hide it under the shadow.

Will continued his attempt to connect as I decided to follow him, and without realizing it, I embarked on an adventure through the darkened corners of the library. I couldn't shake off the feeling of both anxiety and curiosity swirling in me. Here I was, stuck in a situation I never imagined, with a stranger who seemed to have taken an interest in my work, but most importantly me.

As we navigated through the shelves of books, our footsteps echoing in the quietness of the night, I found myself opening up to Will despite being tempted to just be reserved.

"So, what is your story, Julia?" Will asked curiously.

"I don't even know you, what do you think I am going to tell you, my story?" I decided to distance myself. I didn't want to open up to him. I couldn't. Every time I did something like this my heart always ended up broken. 

"Okay fair." Will said understanding, with a charming smile forming his lips. 

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