Captain Nakul Wenttai's first day

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"It's the first day of the job" he said, Captain Nakul Wenttai is always a well disciplined captain of his family, in fact he's mother is also proud of him for being the Captain of a Qween-Ja-class Heavy Cruiser line, these Classes of Heavy Cruiser are classified as a military grade "super-capital ship" these class of warships are design for long-range distance travels.

His first day, his first duty. is. TO... Patrol the SeRuk sector of the outer rim,

3 days passed by, and Captain Nakul was bored

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3 days passed by, and Captain Nakul was bored... Like really bored, but he had something on his mind, he goes to his office and read a manual for the Qween-Ja-class, the manual follows:

The Qween-Ja-class Heavy Cruisers are a class of "super-capital ships" that are designed for long-range distance travel, first commissioned in 1119 H.S.D the Qween-Jas acts as a mobile fortress taking hits from enemy fire and acting as a Command and Control ship, Anti-ship warfare, and a battleships

The Qween-Ja have:
2 MK.11 series-9 Mass driver turrets, 2 MK.9 M-39 Kinetic Cannons, 2 type-4 MK.3 Ion Cannons, and 2 series-9 MK.10 Heavy Cannons (that can only be found on the Refit version)

It had no auxillary craft, and it's mine role is to be a Super-capital ship, but it's mine weakness is that it's vulnerable to enemy strike fighters and bombers, but since the Qween-Ja is always being escorted by a battle group this weakness is rarely a concern

On the next day, Captain Nakul of the Vuul-Lang had stumble upon a few Takkani raiders, but it's not a big parable for the Vuul-Lang (Sword of Justice) as the Captain have "Marauder" Assault Frigate for Anti-fighter duty, but there's more! So he and his battle group deal with the last raiders, Nakul notice something... As he ordered his Tac-officer to get an ID of the unknown ship, the initial scan confirm it is a Vutar'ra Imperial fleet heading straight towards a planet

And according to his intel officer "Niil Van Buren" the Imperial Carriers are carrying "Atmospheric Mass Eruption Warheads" or AMEW is  design specifically to light a planet's atmosphere, the captain did not hesitate as he ordered his entire battle group to engage the imperial fleet! Preventing them to use the AMEWs on the planet he ordered all of his escort carriers to launch their fighters and bombers

The battle was ferocious but the captain emerge victorious and triumph over the imperials, he and his battle group destroyed more than 3 Carriers and 4 frigates, 3 destroyers and MORE! In exactly 30 minutes the Imperial fleet are overwhelmed with the loss of their command carrier, the Imperial fleet is now in disarray and disorganized! They lost 5 MORE of their Frigates! And Ion Frigates! Battle is now in the favor of the Hadiians! The Vuul-Lang and her Battle group destroyed the last of the Vutar'ra's ships

The roaring sound of mass drivers, Ion Cannons, firing at the Imperial warships Bombers' bomb explosions on the Imperial's Capital Ships, as the last of the Vutar'ra's ships are all but a debris in space

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