Chapter 15: Julie

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"Wow," I said softly, my eyes wide with astonishment. "I never knew you had it in you, that was amazing, Will. What the heck. You are a poet!" I exclaimed softly, meeting his gaze with a newfound sense of understanding.

Will nodded, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "I'm glad you think so. It's not something I share often, but I felt like you would understand."

I returned his smile, feeling a connection forged through our shared appreciation for the power of words. In that moment, it seemed as though the barriers between us had softened, allowing for a genuine exchange of thoughts and emotions.

"Writing poetry can be a way to navigate the complexities of life," I offered, reflecting on my own experiences with the written word. "It's a means of processing our emotions and finding solace in the midst of chaos."

Will nodded in agreement, a flicker of something akin to relief crossing his features. "Yeah, exactly. It's like finding a piece of yourself in the words you write."

My heart skipped a beat at Will's unexpected compliment, my cheeks flushing with a mix of surprise and gratitude. I hadn't expected him to be so perceptive, let alone praise my writing so earnestly.

"Thank you, Will," I replied, my voice tinged with genuine appreciation. "That means a lot coming from you. I've always loved writing, but sometimes it's easy to doubt myself. Your encouragement means more than you know."

Will's eyes met mine, a warmth shining in their depths. "You have a real talent, Julie," he continued, his tone sincere. "Your words have a way of drawing people in, making them feel like they're part of the story. Don't ever doubt that."

I couldn't help but smile at his words, feeling a surge of confidence swell within my chest. It was as if Will had unlocked a door I hadn't even realized was there, inviting me to step into a world of possibilities.

"Thank you, Will," I repeated, my voice soft yet filled with conviction. "I'll keep writing, I promise. And who knows? Maybe one day, you'll see my stories on the shelves of a library. But you need to promise me that you'll try as well. Share your poetry with someone other than me. It speaks to people, and maybe, who knows, we might be sharing a section of shelf in bookstores one day."

With a hopeful smile, I continued, "Imagine our books side by side, inspiring readers from all walks of life. Let's keep nurturing our creativity and reaching for our dreams together, Will."

Will's gaze softened, touched maybe by my words. "I promise," he said, his voice steady with determination. "We'll keep pushing each other to grow and share our work with the world. And who knows, maybe one day our books will indeed stand side by side, inspiring others to explore the depths of their own creativity."

I felt a swell of gratitude wash over me, grateful for Will's support and inspired by the prospect of our shared journey. Together, we embarked on a new chapter, a beginning we hadn't even realized had started.

"Do you have more poetry?" I asked with hope, feeling a childlike excitement bubbling within me. I wanted to hear more, to delve deeper into the world Will had opened up to me.

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