Foggie Wakey

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Petunia .... expelled for your sinful ... To Alazar !!!


*Ugh.. my head hurts like DEATH*
While blinking around to adapt myself to the dazzling sunlight, a huge feeling of emptiness filled me up. I jumped immediately and started panicking
*Goddamn it, i thought, where the hell am i ? How did i end up here? And who am i..?!?!*

Petunia, whispered a voice

-Huh ?

The first time i Heard my voice again i was kinda... Confused. I didnt know who were that Pétunia. After struggling to stand up properly i started analysing that strange situation. I was wearing a long white cotton dress, quite light whith a pair of puff sleeves and attached on my waist with a large belt. I had sort of pirate boots. Of course thé whole fit was covered in soil and dust cuz appaerently i've been sleeping on thé ground for a long Time.. now i guess i have to survive.

Looking around me i spotted no city , village or even a sign of civilisation. Everything around was deserted with a bunch of végétation and i was seriously praying, if anyone heard me, to find water Somewhere.
So i walked, i walked until night being and i found nothing except more and more végétation meaning im soon close to water. Thaf night i couldn't sleep, i mean i was out for days it's pretty Logic right ? I didn't know how and why i knew that but i built a fire. As i had nothing to think about i focused on all natural noises around me... Grass trembling from thé slight breeze, leaves dancing between the trees, crickets singing lullabies to animals, fauna and flora coexisting in peace.. everything was so relaxing until something broke off thé whole harmony...or someone. In fact i felt the crumpled sound of human steps approaching.

I should have been glad, i know that. I should have been screaming for help already, i should have been stamping of joy. But i didn't. A strange instinct was telling me to put out thé fire and hide as quickly as i Could. So i did !
I rushed to thé fire to turn off its light, spread leaves and clay on thé combusted wood and with an unknown flexibility and swiftness i climbed up thé first tree on my right. And then i waited.

The steps became more and more close to my tree, from excitement or anxiety i felt like holding my breath for hours... At this moment a shape showed up from behind thé luxiourious bushes. It was long, thin but quite firm and strong, obviously its rounded hips or its slightly generous chest was from a woman. The latter stood some seconds just under my tree, she stood here, apparently too much for someone who was rushing minutes ago. Her breath was calme, too calm and really quiet.. too quiet. She knew i was there, above her dying from stress. She was waiting me to show up, like a tiger waiting its prey to be its.. i couldn't Say why i felt a dangerous and psycho aura she gave off.

After what seemed to me an eternity, she finally sighed and walked away. I doubted for some minutes so i kept my position until i heard nothing more that my breath or Mother Nature noises. I decided to go down from my tree. Relieved i expired generously and placed my hands on my hips, all proud of myself. Suddenly i felt a hot windiness on my neck, instantly paralyzing me. An arm caught my waist to tackle my body against hers. I knew it was that threatening woman. She chuckled and told me with a deep calm voice :

-Hi lil' doe... What are you doing here at night, alone, in the middle of Alazar ? Judging from your pale figure you sure are not from here.

When she mentioned the name of the kingdom i felt dizzy trying to remember any kind of information about it. Her voice then changed into something way more serious

-Where exactly are you from ?

I coughed nervously

-I...I dont remember, I said.

Suddenly, she tightened her embrace on me and pressed a knife on my throat. I wasnt aware and truly blamed it while my tender skin seemed to start bleeding a bit. I couldn't do anything to escape or the blade would definetely pass through her neck.

-Who do you think I am to trust that shitty answer ?! The woman said furiously. If you're a spy just Say it you're doomed anyway. Tell me the truth and ill kill you quickly.

-B-But im telling the truth ma'am ! I dont even remember my name and how i ended up here. Frankly, did u look at me ? Do u see anything more than a poor dress, i dont even have a knife with me to survive on my own ! I'm actually wondering if i wont die before i find a water spot.

The woman slowly let me go from her arms and quickly stared at me getting finally how Lost i was.

-Well i abandon u here dying from starving and thirst...

I started panicking... I was losing the own Hope i had to access to civilisation !!

-....OR you can join me in my missions and i Can train you as a New mercenary. Dont worry im not from the baddies but we kinda in need of workforce.

I was loading her offer.... Soo i needee to choose between survival or killing people "for thé good" ? Well if it could help me survive... When i will have enough money i Could escape and go out of here. Sounded pretty fair.
I announced :

-mmmh... Welll okay ! Let me join you then. Sounds way funnier than dying alone and all shabby.

Then the woman's face brightened up with a stunning white smile, visibly happy with my decision.

-Perfect ! She started clapping her hands together, absolutely perfect ! Accordingly, your official training is starting.... NOW !!

Out of the blue, she disappeared.


Hi everyone ! Starlighty talking ! Im New to this app and im only a young french girl ! Please be supportive and tolérant ! If u have anything to correct in my sentences, dont hesitate and just tell me it would be really helpful to improve my english too.

Byebye xx ~

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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