Chapter 14: Will

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The moment Julie asked me about my passion for poetry something sparked within me. It was like she saw through the facade I put up as a basketball player, as if she understood there was more to me than meets the eye. And in that moment, I felt a flicker of hope that maybe I could share this hidden part of myself with someone.

When she encouraged me to embrace my love for poetry, it felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. For so long, I had kept this side of me locked away, afraid of how it would be perceived in the sports world. But Julie's words reminded me that there's strength in being true to who I am, even if it means breaking stereotypes.

As I recited the poem, "If Pain Had a Voice," I felt a sense of vulnerability wash over me. These words were a reflection of my own struggles, a way to articulate the pain that often goes unheard. And in sharing them with Julie, I felt a connection, a bond formed through our shared understanding of the power of poetry.

In that moment, I realized that poetry isn't just about words on a page; it's a means of expression, a way to navigate the complexities of life. And as I looked into Julie's eyes, I knew that I didn't have to hide this part of myself anymore. With her by my side, I felt empowered to embrace my love for poetry and all that it represents.

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