~Chapter 15~

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As we got farther out to sea, a ship emerged from the horizon—the Princess Andromeda, a massive cruise liner that could easily tempt anyone into curiosity. Yet, I knew better. My companions, Clarisse, Silena, and Ethan, exchanged curious glances as we approached the luxurious vessel. But my firm voice cut through the temptation.

"Everyone, ignore the Andromeda," I said. "It's not worth it."

"What do you mean it is not worth it?" Silena asked.

"That cruise is filled with monsters-"

"Our ship is also filled with monsters." Ethan snorted.

"Right, though that ship is under the command of Luke." I responded back. I heard Clarisse gag on the sandwitch she was eating.

"What do you mean, that is Lukes ship." Clarisse asked standing up and storming over.

"Exactly that, I think he missed us so he stayed close to camp. But we don't need to concern ourselves with him as it will be a waste of time."


"A waste of time!" I interuptted Clarisse, causing her to huff and go back to her sandwitch.

we continued our course into uncharted waters. Strange occurrences unfolded around us, as if the sea itself watched and waited for the right moment to strike. Unfamiliar sea creatures emerged from the depths, their bizarre forms a testament to the magical and perilous nature of the sea. The constellations in the night sky seemed to shift and rearrange themselves, adding to the surreal atmosphere.

As we ventured farther into uncharted waters, the crew adapted to their roles with impressive speed. I was at the helm, steering the ship with a confident hand. Using my powers to manipulate the winds and currents, I ensured a swift and safe journey. My companions trained diligently, learning to navigate the ship, handle the rigging, and fend off any sea creatures that dared approach.

Clarisse and Ethan sparred on the deck, their weapons flashing in the sunlight as they practiced their combat skills. Silena, with her natural ability to charm speak, held 'classes' to boost the crew's morale and discipline.

The Cyclopes stood guard around the ship, their massive frames serving as a formidable deterrent to any potential threats. The Minotaur, Asterion remained close to me, following my orders to help with various tasks. His immense strength was invaluable to the crew.

At first the others were wary of the monsters but once I showed that they obeyed and where loyal to me they got along quite well and simply ignored them.

The journey wasn't without its challenges. Fierce storms tested our resolve, and unpredictable tides made navigation a constant challenge. But my years of experience as a sailor in my past life guided us through safely. The Ravens, named after Odin's legendary companions, circled above, keeping an eye on our surroundings and alerting us to potential dangers.


Muninn, who had flew ahead, soon returned to the ship, cawing urgently. I raised my voice to be heard over the wind and waves, "Prepare yourselves! We are approaching Scylla and Charybdis. Stand ready for whatever challenges lie ahead!"

My companions readied their weapons, their faces determined. The Minotaur stood firm at my side, his presence reassuring. I continued to steer Leonidas, my heart pounding with anticipation of the perilous encounter ahead. The air was thick with tension, and we braced ourselves for the impending trial.

As the ship drew closer to the treacherous waters, the monstrous forms of Scylla and Charybdis came into view. Their looming presence filled us with awe and dread. In the face of such legendary creatures, there was no room for error. We knew we had to rely on our wits, skills, and the bond that had grown among us on this epic journey.

I barked out orders to the crew, "Man the oars and prepare to row with all your might! Clarisse, prepare your spear. Silena and Ethan, keep a lookout for any surprises."

The Ravens circled overhead, their keen eyes scanning for any potential threats.

As the ship drew nearer, Charybdis began to stir, creating a whirlpool that threatened to consume the ship. I acted quickly, using my powers over the sea to create a powerful current that pushed us away from the vortex.

"Row! Row as if your lives depend on it!" I shouted to the crew. With their combined efforts and my guidance, we managed to maintain a safe distance from Charybdis.

Scylla, a monstrous being with multiple heads and snapping jaws, lurched forward, attempting to snatch crew members with her deadly maws. I extended my hand, summoning the power of the sea to hold her at bay. With great effort, I pushed her back, preventing her from reaching the ship. Clarisse used her spear to stabb one of the heads.

"Keep rowing! We can't let Scylla catch us!" I yelled, my voice strained with the exertion of controlling the sea itself.

The crew rowed with all their might, and the ship continued to sail forward. Scylla's heads snapped at the air in frustration, unable to reach us. Charybdis's whirlpool roared in the distance, but we had successfully avoided both legendary monsters.

As we left the danger behind, a collective sigh of relief swept through the crew. We had faced the perils of Scylla and Charybdis and emerged victorious, thanks to our teamwork and determination.

I turned to my companions, a proud smile on my face. "Well done, everyone, I have no doubt that we will succeed."

"Man I am glad I put you in charge." Clarisse laughed putting away her spear. "I have to admit you are a way better general and leader than I could ever be."

"Let's just say I had alot of practice." I laughed as I walked away from the steering wheel as Asterion took it. "We will soon reach our first stop."

"We are stopping somewhere?" Ethan asked from where he was leaning.

"Yes, and I will say that you will have to be careful, she is known to turn men into pigs."

"Well you are a guy too." Ethan laughed.

"Yes, and if she tries her tricks on me, I will simply kill her."

"Who are you talking about?" Silena asked coming up from the lower dock.


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