Chapter 27: Will (Last year)

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Last year...

I woke up in a haze, the sterile smell of the hospital invading my senses.

The doctor's somber voice broke through the haze in my mind. "I'm sorry to inform you that you've damaged your ligament," he said, his tone heavy with regret. "It's a severe injury, and it'll take time to heal. But I'm afraid your days on the court might be over."

I blinked, trying to process his words, the reality sinking in like a lead weight in my chest. "Over?" I echoed, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Yeah," the doctor confirmed, his expression sympathetic. "It's a tough blow, I know. But you'll need to focus on recovery now."

The memory of the game in Chester flooded back, the intensity of the match still vivid in my mind. But then, a sharp pain shot through my leg, a stark reminder of what went wrong.

I remembered the play vividly—the moment when everything changed. I had the ball, driving to the basket with determination, when suddenly I felt a sharp impact from behind. The force sent me crashing to the ground, my leg twisting unnaturally beneath me.

As I lay there, writhing in pain, I caught a glimpse of the opposing player responsible for my injury. His face contorted into a sneer, a cruel smirk of satisfaction. It was no accident. He had deliberately targeted me, intent on taking me out of the game by any means necessary.

Anger simmered beneath the surface as I processed the doctor's words. Basketball had been my life, my passion, and the thought of not being able to play was devastating.

But amidst the despair, a glimmer of hope emerged—a realization that perhaps this setback was not the end, but rather, a new beginning.

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