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"Look who lost the bet for the first time. It's been more than a month and she is still working as King's assistant."

"I think King took his personal assistant too personally. Haven't you seen them always coming and going together? She has been like a shadow to King. Even I would never fire such a beautiful and convenient shadow."

"Orry what are you saying."

"I am saying nothing but truth, Sarah. Haven't you noticed King is so happy, relaxed and calm these days, he hardly fires people for silly mistakes now. I am sure he is releasing his tension in a better way."

"You mean Avaline and him..."

"Have you ever seen any other employee this close to King? I am not saying anything under the sky, Sarah. Tell me initially how Ava would curse King and talk about all the workload, what changed now, huh? She now adores his company so much that she goes home with him. I hate such types of girls. I can't believe I was once friends with her. You can stay with her if you want Sarah, but I don't even want to see her face."

"You are right Orry, even I don't want to be associated with this type of girl."

That was how the wildfire of rumours started in the King's group. Though the sweet siblings on the top floor were unaware of all the crap going around. It wasn't long before rumours started going out of the building. Everyone was talking about the assistant that changed the King, the girl who made the King laugh.

What you don't know, doesn't hurt you. But you stay oblivious forever. When things do come to light, it hurts and it breaks.

King was going through some files when there was a knock on his door. "Come in," he said. Entered his receptionist she told him that Mr Clark was outside to meet him. King didn't have any meeting scheduled with Clark. He made an offer to King which King rejected, and from then he was persistent in having a deal. King didn't want to associate with Clark because he was a wolf in sheepskin and close to Mr Knight. King always made sure to stay away from such people. Unfortunately, he is here, 'send him in', he told the receptionist.

"Hello my dear friend, long time."

"Why are you here, Clark."

"Now that you are the talk of the town, I had to pay you a visit."

"Get to the point or get to the door, Clark. I don't have time to waste."

Before Clark could say something, Ava entered the door with some files. She didn't knock because she never did and she wasn't aware that King had company.

" Ed-" she was about to say when she saw the man sitting with him. She cleared her throat and said,

"King these are the files you asked for." She handed the files and left, unaware of the filthy eyes undressing her.

"Wow King, the awesome choice you have. Now, let's do this deal, you take 10 per cent of my company for nothing but a night with your beautiful assita-"

He couldn't complete it because the next moment he was lying on the floor and King remodelled his face with the punches.

"You bastard, how dare you to even think about my sister. I will kill you." King's words went unheard because Clark was already lying unconscious with a broken nose, displaced jaw, missing teeth and bleeding head.

Listening to the loud banging noise, Ava rushed to see if everything was alright with Ed. She was shocked to see Ed ruthlessly punching the man.

"Ed, you will kill him, get off him." She shouted and pulled Ed away from the man.

"What happened Ed, you would have killed this man, what's wrong."

"Don't worry Ava. It's nothing I can't manage. You go and finish your work, I'll handle it here." Ed said.

"I'll go but promise me you won't murder him and use your brain instead of muscles to deal with things." Ed nodded and Ava left his office.

Ed fetched his phone and called his friend,
"Neil, do me a favour, release the dirt we had on Clark by tomorrow. It's urgent brother, I'll tell you to rest later." He hung up.

"You are gone, Clark." He said with a smirk and asked his guards to throw the unconscious man out.

The next day, broken Clark was exposed in the news channels and was arrested for unethical practices. Clark knew it was King's doings, so he made the statement to the paps that,
"King has spread this fake news to threaten me because I knew about his affair with his assistant. Not just me, has been the talk of the town, the whole King's group is talking about it."

The media wasn't listening to this rumour for the first time, they got a wink of it before also, but no one dared to print anything against King, but now the scenario has changed.

Both news were revolving around the internet and news channels. King wasn't surprised about Clark's statement, what shocked him was the rumours going in his own company. All this defamation of normal for him, it was part and parcel of success but he was worried about how Ava would react. The paps had framed their innocent, sweet relationship into something so cheap.

🌿🌸Author's Time🌸🌿

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