第六 | SIX

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To your amusement, it seemed that Chloe and Arion were adamant on staying by your side while Claude attended the hunting competition. But to you, it didn't quite matter: they were of no bother to you, and in fact, their presence was calming, and even welcome. They didn't speak much, only asking several casual questions at times—but what truly bothered you was Claude.

And so you laid out your grievances to Chloe, as Arion left to train the Knights of the Grand Order. Manpower was one thing, but skill was another. Cups of tea were laden out in the table, steaming and fragrant, and Lady Chloe sat opposite you, smiling.

"I've always thought," you hesitated, as the piles of finished documents sat in a corner. "I've always thought I knew His Grace well. Perhaps it was the close proximity in which I worked with him since young, but I've always had his interests at heart. But the occurrences that have been happening of late makes me really ponder; do I really know this man? Or is he just a stranger I've deluded myself into thinking I know?"

It was true, was it not? That uncharacteristic look of anguish on his face when you were poisoned; that face when he woke up...

It's like he's a different person.

Oh God. It seemed that he cared; and you knew he didn't. Of course—he couldn't, right? Not when he had been so cold to you previously, not when he had given you curt, short answers. That didn't mean you stopped caring about him. You still did, but now you had to relearn every trait of Claude. Map it to your soul. Commit it to memory in case something happened.

"You mean you have been feeling a gap?" Chloe said thoughtfully, tapping her chin. "You say His Grace has been acting differently?"

"Yes," you said in embarrassment, "I understand it's not very professional for me to discuss such matters, in light of the plans for the Summer Ball, along with the rebellion..." then you sighed, miserable. "But it's been plaguing me of late. It's hard to concentrate on my work."

"It's of no bother," Chloe smiled reassuringly, her tone gentle and warm. "It's comforting to me to know that the advisor whom is known to be cold and icy is opening up to me."

"Icy, really? The rumours are out of hand."

It held the tiniest element of truth. You were rather cold to those who you didn't regard as close friends. And that included many. You didn't go out of your way to be mean; but you resided in your bubble, unassuming and forever silent. Yet this situation had been eating away at your mind for so long, tearing open your heart, that you felt the need to tell someone. To seek for advice. Normally you would have gone to Claude, but how could you? This concerned him.

"So," Chloe said after a soft laugh, before her gaze turned serious. "What exactly is the difference you speak of?"

You cleared your throat, trying to find the words to explain your plight. The difference in Claude's treatment? There were a lot, truth to be told—from the adoring gazes he threw at you, from the fact that perhaps you were a replacement for someone else that was dear to him—from how he had become sweet, tender, and loving.

"There are too many to speak of," you said at last, before you exhaled. "But I fear some of his more...personal feelings might get in the way of our goal."

"Oh? Why do you say that?"

"The very reason why you were called was so that Claude could ensure that I was safe," you felt the beginnings of a headache sink into your mind once again—maybe the aftereffects of poison, you were too tired to truly think—"I was supposed to attend the Augusta's family's hunting event. But Claude refuses to let me attend, and that severely limits the chances I get to talk with potential partners."

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