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"Hello, everyone! 🤠
I'm back with a new chapter. 😗
Get ready for unexpected things! ✨
This chapter is a little small, so be prepared because soon in the next chapter, the past is going to unfold. For now, let's dive into this chapter!"💖

Hey! Siamo qui!"(We are here) he exclaimed in Italian, his words echoing with excitement and camaraderie. As their friends turned towards them, their faces lit up with joy at the sight of Ishan and Adyasha,

Ishan and Adyasha approached them, and Ishan greeted everyone, "Ciao a tutti, quindi finalmente eccomi qui con mia sorella,Adyasha"(Hello everyone, so finally here I am with my sister,Adyasha!) he said, introducing Adyasha to his friends in Italian.
One of the friends looked at Adyasha and spoke, "Ehi, è un piacere rivederti. Hai un aspetto così fantastico,"(hey,nice to see you again. you are looking so amazing.) complimenting her appearance and they exchanged handshakes.

Ishan then switched to English, saying, "Okay, we are talking in English now. Dii, meet all my friends, Aldo, Nico, Romeo (whom you already met last time), and she is Mia," he pointed out, introducing each friend to his sister.

Mia: seriously, you are looking so elegant and beautiful, Adyasha! complimented Mia, her eyes shining with sincerity.

Adyasha responded with a small smile and replied, "Thanks, you too looking outstanding."

Aldo chimed in, "Finally, we meet you today. Nice to see you. Okay, let's enjoy the party now, guys. Let's have something."

Everyone moved towards one corner and began chatting and enjoying their drinks. Adyasha found herself observing Ishan and his friends as they talked and laughed, soaking in the lively atmosphere of the party.

As Adyasha observed Ishan and his friends chatting animatedly, Despite being an outsider to their group, their easy camaraderie made her feel welcomed.She watched as Ishan shared stories and jokes with his friends, his laughter filling the air and contagious smiles spreading across their faces. Adyasha admired the bond they shared.

Suddenly, their attention shifted towards the announcement. The host called everyone to the dance floor after a brief speech.

While everyone headed to the dance floor, Adyasha stayed back, holding her drink. Ishan, knowing she wasn't into dancing and respecting her choice, didn't insist. He and his friends joined the fun, dancing and enjoying themselves. Adyasha sat calmly, sipping her drink, observing the scene with a serene demeanor.

Suddenly, a strange sensation washed over Adyasha, reminiscent of the unease she had felt at that office party. It was as if someone's eyes were fixed on her, sending shivers down her spine. Setting her drink down, she scanned the room, her gaze sweeping slowly in all directions, but she couldn't detect anything suspicious.

Adyasha's thoughts raced as she pondered the unsettling feeling of being watched. "Why does it feel like he's watching me?" she wondered. "But how could that be possible?" She shook her head, trying to dispel her thoughts. "I'm just overthinking," she told herself with a sigh. "No, this time I won't excuse myself to the washroom. I'll wait for Ishan right here." Determined to confront her unease, she resolved to remain where she was.

As Adyasha's phone began to ring, she sighed in frustration. Amidst the DJ's booming music, she knew she wouldn't be able to hear the call properly from her seat. Reluctantly, she got up and made her way towards a quieter corridor. Finding a spot with less noise, she finally answered the persistent call that had been ringing incessantly.

Deep in her conversation, Adyasha stepped into the room, her mind already consumed by the urgent matters of her mafia-related work. Unaware of her surroundings, she moved towards the window, the darkness of the approaching evening contrasting with the rain falling outside. Lost in the intensity of the call, she failed to notice when someone entered the room behind her and quietly locked the door, sealing her inside with an unseen presence.

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