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I screamed, "AHHHHHHHH."

He held my mouth.

"Hushhh baby girl," he said.

Saying that he bit my neck sucking blood.

"Please l..leave me," I said.

I tried to escape. But everything went black.

After a few moments I gained my consciousness back. Still I was in my car. I looked at the mirror if he was there. No he wasn't. I started driving as fast as I can.

After a few moments I looked back again.

I saw the women in white gown was standing at the back looking at me crying. But I noticed her ring wasn't in her finger.

I drove faster.

Time skip to night

After doing my night routine I jumped on my bed tired. I stared at the ceiling for some time thinking about what happened today. I was so tired that fell asleep.

After a few hours A cold breeze through the window broke my sleep. I woke up.

Shit I forgot to close the window, I murmured.

I went closer to the window to lock it but...

That boy was behind window upside down. Blood dripping from his mouth.

"Open the door. I want to come inside baby girl," he said.

"N..no...p..lease go away."

"Open it baby girl. Or I will break it to come inside."

"No please. Leave me. I said crying."


My whole body shaking in fear. Still I went to the door to open it. Even before I could open he was there outside the door.

"H..how. Weren't you outside?"

"Don't act stupid baby girl. You know everything."


He threw me on the floor and hovered on me.

"Who are y..you? V..vampi..re?P..lease leave me alone," said I.

I won't, he said.

He kissed me aggressively and tore off my t-shirt. Then he went for my neck.

"P...plea...se lea..ve me."

He bit my neck and started sucking blood.

"Your blood is sweet baby girl."

To be continued..

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